Chapter 11

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The next morning I woke up with a panic and shot up from bed in a cold sweat 

"NO" I yelled. 

Arthur jolted awake. 

" okay?" He asked. I nodded frantically.

"Just uh...just another nightmare." I reported. He quirked a brow,

"Do you...wanna talk about it?" He asked. 

"Not really." 

"Yn, you got me worried about you...are you sure your doing okay?" He asked. 

"I...I'll be fine. I'm so excited to start a journey with you though...let's let's focus on that right now." I give a melancholy smile, but he does return a nod back. We had left back to camp, at a pit stop at strawberry we delivered the legendary fish...Arthur said it was some fishing guy that gives you money for them. We began our long ride back and made it to camp.

"There you two are! Where have you been?" Dutch asked.

"Catchin a legendary fish." Arthur replied.

"Well..ok..well we need you two on for this plan, we need to figure out how we are gonna scam the shit out of these two families. Said to be a rivalry, we get involved? There's supposedly gold, and each family will assume it's the other! Got Hosea written all over it." He winked. Hosea, Arthur, I, Dutch, Bill, Javier, Charles, and Micah stood around as we were going over ways to scam these two families.

By the time the evening hit, we all routinely gathered around the campfire. Arthur sat pretty cozily to me and it made me blush. I still wasn't used to the idea of Arthur bein sweet on me.

The way he looked while the low light of the fire was godly.

"You're so fucking handsome." I whispered to him.

"T-Thanks Yn." He cleared his throat and looked forward, blood crept to his face, was he blushing for once?! It was so adorable, and his hand folding over his cheek was not hiding it like he'd wanted to.

Stories were again told, Hosea was telling a story where he and Dutch fended off several Odriscolls for the watch Bessie gave him. We all ooh'd and ahh'd at his story. Many stalked off to bed, Arthur being one of them.

"Hey, I think I'm gonna turn enjoy the heat." He smiled and gave me a touch on the shoulder as he stalked off.

"Goodnight." I call, and here the echo of the word in his husky voice. I see one by one dissapear until it's me, Hosea, and Micah.

It looked like Hosea was gonna get up, but he caught my desperate eyes. He sat,

 "So Micah, mind if you give us some space, I have important news to share with Yn." He requested.

"What's so important to just tell her old man?" He sneered. Hosea glared,

"Because it's just for Yn." Hosea threatened. He muttered and stomped off.

"What's botherin you Yn?" He asked.

"It's...can we go somewhere else?" I asked. He nodded and we stalked off to the lake. I was sitting along it and sigh, there was a lump in my throat that if not handled, would definitely spill tears. Tears you didn't want Hosea seeing.

"Micah...I don't feel safe, he's harassed me, he's..he's grabbed parts, he's vocally berrated me, threatened my life and r-rape, he's hurt me." I lower the hankerchief and tears begin rolling off my cheeks.

Hosea was taking all this in and wraps me in a tight hug.

"Yn...I'm sorry...that bastard I knew couldn't be trusted." He mumbles. After a few minutes when I settle down I sigh.

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