Chapter 15

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I pointed my Springfield rifle towards the weary stranger trotting closer every mere second.

"Who's there!?" I say, now high off the fight or flight mode my body just kicked me in.

"My name is Rains Fall...I am not here to hurt you. My son, he came by earlier, I was hoping to find him." The man held his hands up briefly to indicate he was unarmed. I lowered my Springfield rifle to get a good look at this man and after a brief scan, see's he means no harm.

I sigh,

"As much as I hate to say it, Dutch, our leader, had already got to him to return stolen horses from your people." I shake my head.

"That's most unfortunate." He croaks.

"I know...I...I wish he didn't go." I shook my head.

"If you despise this leader's decisions so much, may I ask why you are standing here guarding it?" He asked.

"The man leading I'm not...on great terms with, but the people in this group, I love them with all my heart." I stand strong on my word.

"Ah, I was hoping so. That boy..he is the only son I have left. Please you must help me stop him." He begged.

"I...I don't know, I really don't know your son." I frown.

"I know, but the more people who try to talk sense in him, I believe may steer his path into one much brighter...war...protest. We won't win. The death in honor is not one that is worth the inevitable extinction of our tribe I'm afraid." He hung his head low.

"Mister...Rains Fall was it?"


"I will do what I can." I give him a curt nod.

"Thank you kindly." He gave a small smile

"You're words reminds me of a father figure of mine. If you need him I believe they headed north west, near that military base." I instruct.

"You're help will not be forgotten ma'am." He nodded and with trots he was off.

Eventually my time was up to trade off with Bill, but I see the men return. Dutch looking high off his high and mighty horse, followed by an even more concerned Charles and Arthur. I walk up to them and Dutch marches happily to his tent,

"I'm sorry gentlemen, I've got more thinking to do, All is indeed going to plan." He hummed. I look back to the two,

"What happened?" I whisper.

"How about...we all need some food in our stomachs, Let the three of us go hunting." Charles suggested loud enough to get the approval of our cook. Who was now Susan since we had been losing people.

"Sounds good to me." I nod and hop upon Dana to follow them out. 

We had rode out a little bit and down the mountains full of it's twists and turns. Falling out into a flock of geese Charles led the front with me and Arthur behind each on his side. The plains held swaying wheat that colored the ground in gold. Bison were roaming as well as many dear and turkey.

"I couldn't speak in there. Not with the camp so divided that our only glue in it would snap the tension. Lives would be loss." Charles reasoned.

"That's perfectly understandable, but what are we gonna do?" I asked.

"Dutch is usin the Indian problem to distract the government and military from our escape." Arthur said. My mouth dropped.

"What the hell is he thinking!? Is he outa his goddamn mind!?" I asked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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