Chapter 4

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Arthur's POV

I was still shaken up. Why on earth did Yn run off like that. I slump back to bed and notice a note. Mary. I sigh, she might've been on to this. I certainly not expected it, but she even brought it up the previous night, drunk, but still. I don't know if I want to see mary. I put the note in my satchel for now, and decide.

"Hey there arthur." Tilly said,

"Mornin Miss Jackson." I tip my hat to her and continue walking. I see Mary Beth sittin against a tree, she looked up smilin,

"Hello there mister morgan." She shades her eyes to look up,

"How's it going Mary?" I ask. She studied me,

"Good, but what about yourself? Seem kind glum." She pointed out. She always knows somehow, damn witch.

"Maybe." I huff.

"Need to talk?" She patted the soil next to her. I saw no reason why not to,

"Well Yn ran off." I stated. She nods,

"Noticed, we all did really. Don't know why she left in a hurry. Maybe the outlaw stuff spooked us." She suggested.

"I thought so too, but I notice she asked if I found a wife, then saw this letter." I unfolded it from my satchel and handed it to her. A moment later after her eyes scanned it she handed it back, and had a smug grin.

"How exactly did you two meet again?" She asked. My cheeks grew warm,

"We kept runnin into each other all over town. Driscolls got her and I led her away. More attacked but we fought em off, she got hit though and that's how she ended up here." I explained.

"Seems like you went out of your way Mister Morgan, if it were another older woman, would you have done the same?" She asked. I thought,

"Mm maybe...probably not." I sigh. She giggled.

"Well. How do you feel about Mary?" She asked.

"I figure we won't ever get anywhere since I live this life, wasn't enough for her." I sigh.

"I know, I try not to let my bias for that women show, little bitch, but honestly, I feel she was in the wrong for writin you again. Especially for your help." She stated. I stayed silent. She got up and brushed her dress off,

"Decide what you may, but it's all up to you Arthur Morgan. By the way, I like Yn, good find, she is pretty cute." She smiled and walked off. I felt my cheeks go warm again. Would I even save her if she was someone I didn't feel attracted to?

Even so would I bring her back to my camp. My mind still flashes to those bright e/c eyes, her plump rosy lips, her sweet laugh. When she was cradled up in my arms, or when she was limping over to me, even when she stood atop of the barrel and belted out the worst voice known to man. I think I was falling for her.

I decide to still meet up to Mary. As much as I don't want to, I still care for her.

I ride on my horse. Mary was still occasionally finding her way into my mind. She was loving, charming, funny. However, shortly after that it is filled with the lecturing, the fixing, the fighting. She wanted me, but she didn't want the package I came in. She accepted me, but not my family, my career, my anything. She still was cared for and decided to see what she wanted. I knock on the door to see her come out. I find myself tripping over words, making a fool of myself. But she sighs,

"Can't we...can't we just try away with me Arthur." She begs holding my hand. I gently pull it away.

"I'm still in that gang." I remind her.

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