Chapter 12

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Warning: This chapter where the lines are printed, contains smut. If you are in any way uncomfortable with the content, then skip ahead to the other line.

I smile at the scene.

A fire is crackling amongst the tents. Stars litter the sky like scattered, shining glass. The water is calm and the only sounds aside the cracking of the fire and the wind whistling through the trees was laughter and chatter.

I walk around receiving a litter of hellos and small talk. 

"This isn't a party without beer, come and y'all fill up!" Grimshaw smiled. It was rare seeing her loosen up like this that you found her grin was indeed addictive. After now I see the whole camp with a beer in hand I grab one myself and join everyone by the fire.

"Uncle you have to tell a story. They always make me laugh." Tilly begged. He began with a great entrance and I saw little Jack come behind me,

"Hello Auntie Yn...I'm glad your back!" He smiled. I frizzled his hair,

"Hello Jack! Glad to see you too." I return his warm smile. He was holding something,

"When you were gone I got you this flower, but it died from waiting too long, but I got another!" He rose a bright yellow daffodil.

"Aw Jack, that's so nice of you." I say, holding back the urge to squeeze him as the cuteness got your heart afloat.

"No problem! I thought I should give it to you before momma puts me to bed." He smiled.

"Well...I really appreciate it, I will go put it in my tent." I reassure him.

"Okay! Goodnight Yn!" He waved and ran off.

"Goodnight!" I call after him. I run off to my tent to put the flower in a glass of water, I then return to an empty seat besides Arthur, whom just joined the group.

"You didn't want to sit on my lap?" He asked. I now see he is already buzzed with the alcohol.

"Is this not your first drink? You just got here." I eyeballed him.

"Sure was..."

"Are you lying to me mr. Morgan?" I asked, teasing.


"How many have you had?"

"1.....4?" He asked. I chuckle.

"Why are you asking me?"

"Because you need more obviously." He snickered, squeezing my shoulder.

"Javier! Play us a song!" Dutch swung his beer in the air. With a hit of the strings, and a boot tapping and thumping the beats in the sand, we began to sing together.

The melody was crippled and uneven, but we swung anyway. Fizz spilt out of many bottles and foots clattered on different beats. But the faces were smiling and bright red. As if we all sat out and just stared at the sun for hours. The playful banter filled the camp after the last chord struck, and the chatter and laughter was rather contagious at me on my 5th beer.

Smiling came natural and liquid courage gave you the power to do anything. I look over with John frowning behind his tent, which seemed occupied? I heard pounding and a

"There she blows!" I laugh so hard I had to clench my gut. Arthur looked at me in question,

"There she blows? Goddamn whale." I laugh, Arthur shook his head,

"You are going insane woman, what the hell you laughin at?" He asked.

"I-he...." This was akward to explain,

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