Chapter 14

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Another warning: Smut is also in this chapter, so if this disturbs you or doesn't interest you, the smut starts and ends at the lines that divide it for your leisure.

It had been weeks with no answer. I decided to go with Abigail to retrieve Sean and Hosea's bodies and we held a nice quiet memorial for them. After that we had been trying to feed everyone. I would often go hunting, Sadie took up bounties in neighboring towns. Charles also helped with hunting, Pearson cooked, girls swept, sewed, Karen drank. It was barely chugging along and the morale was low. But we were alive.

"I'd say we give it another week...if we don't see anyone we need to get outa here before Pinkerton's raid the place." Sadie suggested.


"But what? You waitin for Arthur to crawl from the dead?" She frowned. but regretted her actions shortly after.

"I'm sorry Yn, but we need to move on if they don't return soon. We can't survive here for long." She reasoned with a creased brow.

"No I understand..." I sigh. She rubbed my shoulder.

"Let's just take it day by day huh?" She asked.

"Ok." I nod. 

I had tried all week to piece together what had gone so wrong. When I joined the camp it seemed like a flourishing group of unique individuals...but I noticed now...feeling a bit dumb for catching on so late, that it was falling apart. Part of me blames Micah...but who was Micah always with? Dutch...

Dutch now that I think about it, had always praised Arthur after he did something he wants. He ignored Hosea's request right before, and he strangled Bronte in a disturbing drowning out of pure cold blood. I even recall the reactions that indicated he wasn't this kind of person.

It seemed he was the one getting sloppy. Maybe I was wrong about my assumptions, but after piecing little memory tidbits from the last several months, it seemed my theory was that Dutch was losing his mind.

I question if joining the gang was even a good idea.

I was currently sweeping the doc when I see an all too familiar horse galloping from the forest. On top was none other than Arthur Morgan. His beard got long, his hair greasy, his clothes ripped and oddly formal.

I was then sweeping the deck when I heard hooves, I looked up and gasped.

"ARTHUR!" I dropped the broom and ran toward him as he slid off the horse, he embraced me in a warm hug.

"'s so good to see you yah have no idea." He spun me around. But he grew tired.

"You smell like shit." I giggled.

"Yeah, figured." He shook his head.

"Where have you been!?" I asked.

"Easy girl, I just got here." He waved his hands toward me.

"Oh! You're right, lets bring you in and let everyone know you're ok!" I drag his hand.

"Arthur has returned!" I cheer and eyes perked up and smiles grew on other's faces.

"Arthur!" They cheered and his smile grew and tired eyes seemed genuinely relieved.

"Me and Yn...we gave Hosea and Sean a proper would've liked it." Abigail reassured, and in response Arthur nodded solemnly.

"Who had been managing?" Arthur asked. Tilly pointed at me and Sadie on the couch.

"Those two were the ones that got us outa here on time." Tilly mentioned.

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