Chapter 2

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My warning to assault.

I had been out all morning. I had helped a woman from under her dead horse, brought her back to valentine, also helped pitched a selling of a wayward horse for a decent price.

 I received some money. Though the faces of the people of Valentine were dull, I didn't have to stoop for money, not yet anyway. I couldn't. I stand out in a field of wayward blowing grass. It's yellow, there are mountains towering in the distance, and the trees softly sway in the breeze.

I sigh happily, being out in the country was always better than the city. My mother had grown up in Saint Denis, but moved west for work and escaping corruption. She brought me back often. It wasn't very pretty.

You had the cobble street stones, flowers, and interesting architecture that didn't make it a sight for sore eyes. However, there was still that black smog that covered the air that just didn't set right with you. That, and it was crowded.

People crammed on the same speed tied down to horse carriages. I much rather be out here. I can breath. 

I look over to see antlers moving. I decided to sneak closer. I reach for the back of me to grab my bow and pull out the satchel a bow.

Pulling the coarse strings back and leveling the sharp bow against my cheek I steadied my aim before allowing the bow to tear the atmosphere into the middle of the elk had made it cry out. I shot one more, but missing. Damn.

I aim again getting into its leg, it falls over. I slide down on my knees and grab my knife. Stabbing it square in the lungs, the life left the animal and it's limp body laid in my lap. I went ahead and tried to hoist it on my horse. It wouldn't budge, I pressed my eyes tight and groaned.

"Guess I just gotta skin you right here and now boy." I frown. I perfectly etched around as I sawed off the fur coat and antlers, I wrapped it in, stuck the meat in my satchel, and plopped the hide on the back of my horse. I patted Dana,

"See that'll be a lot less heavy girl." I murmured. She neighed. I fed her a carrot and hoisted myself on her.

"Let's be off than." I tipped my hat and rode into town. I stop by the old saloon. Opening the old wooden doors was second nature by now. I see the familiar guy playing the piano, the old guys at the poker table, and my old bartender friend.

"Hiya Mister Weatherford!" I wave. He looks up from his plate he was washing and ever slightly brightened.

"Yn! Good to see yah." He waved. I walk over and put down 50 cents,

"A Kentucky bourbon if yah got it." I nodded.

"Excellent choice." He reached for the bottle.

"You know I used to hate the taste of this stuff." I chuckled.

"Too sissy for it?" He teased.

"Little bit M'afraid." I nodded.

"It is an aquired taste, I'll give you that." He smiled.

"First time it shot down my throat it burned a bit. I learned pretty quick with each taste it gets a bit easier." I explain.

"It's a time taker for sure, I had to get used to beer. I initially thought it was bitter, but that carbonation just makes it unbeatable." He explained while I downed my shot and clicked it against the table.

"True that. It ain't the same without it's carbonation." I put down a dollar,

 "Do a shot with me will yah Mister Weatherford?" I ask. He grinned,

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