Chapter 8

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"Arthur wait-" I yelled.

You frowned at the dissappearing Arthur.

"Yn!" You heard a screech that voice only belonged to a fierce miss grimshaw. I turn my head as she prompty storms up to me.

"You see how many chores we have unfinished? I believe you've been getting too lazy by sittin on your ass today, c'mon!" She dragged my arm. I sighed,

"Okay okay." I follow her to the stream where the other woman are doing laundry. I see an empty bucket, washer, and dirty clothes that have my presumed name on it.

"At least lenda hand please." Ms. Grimshaw's voice was a little softer. I plop down and begin washing clothes. The other ladies looked at me.

"Well Yn, decided to help the girls for once huh?" Karen retorted.

"Sorry, I've been pretty busy...Y'all get no rest around here it seems." I shake my head.

"Of course not...that hag wakes us up every mornin with the screeching voice of hers...damn rather hear a rooster crow than a banshee." Karen sneered.

"She can't be all bad right?" I ask.

"Mm...she does care...but it's hard to see it when she drags us out every morning." Mary-Beth comments.

The sun slowly rises as we have faint chatting. In and out of brief moments of silence, and faint laughter. I hold up my next shirt to wash to see the very familiar blue shirt of a cowboy. My cheeks go pink but I huff knowing somethings incredibly off. Mary Beth looks over at me and a teasing smile twitches on her face.

"Wish you knew what he looked like without it?" She snickered. I drop the shirt,

"Uh-no! What kinda outa the blue question is that?" I gasp.

"Looks like it was a in the blue question." Karen looked rather smug.

"Why don't we discuss the blue in which was John's seemed to like that place a lot on our parties." I return. The other girls began to laugh,

"She got you girl!" Tilly snickered.

"Ah but that's old news, laugh if yah want, your the new thing." She said slyly. 

I was now praying for an interruption. As God had sent you one in the form of a blessed man,

"Hello ladies." He nodded his head,

"Yn, if you wouldn't mind when you're done, could you come with me?" Charles had asked. I look up surprised. I hadn't spoken with Charles much, you knew he was more of the reserved type. Not much to say other than what had to be said.

"No fairrrr!" All the girls groan. I had to hide my smile.

"Sure thing, lemme finish up here first and I'll get my gun." I say. With a curt nod he walked toward the stables. You had finished scrubbing clean the last of your pile and sighed in content.

"Lucky Yn...I just want to be out of the damned sun and get some action." Tilly huffed.

I get up and push forward to the camp and get to Charles.

"You ready?" He asked, already atop his horse.

"Born ready." I say hopping up on my Dana. I scratched behind her ears and we began trotting out to land.

"So what exactly are we hunting? It's hunting I presume."

"Bison." Was all he uttered.

"It is a big game, we can better feed all our mouths much longer than if we hunted deer or rabbit." He explained.

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