Chapter 5

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I'm riding off on my horse. Next to this jerk. I frown. The greenery turned into swamp muck, and you can see the outline of the familiar old city and it's smog from the muddy trail from here.

"Where is our first stop in Saint Denis?" I ask.

"Maybe I'll drop you off at the bridge and deal with it myself." He retorted.

"Rich. I know my way around so maybe I'll find the connections. How does that sound Mister Morgan." My tone laced his name with venom.

"We need to visit a rich guy. Angelo Bronte I think his name was, knows party details. That should get us contacts to go off of." He states, ignoring your insult.

"You think? Or you know?" I grin smugly.

"Shut the hell up and ride." He keeps his head straight on course. He treads to a stop and looks me up and down.

"What?" I look at him puzzled.

"If we wanna get anywhere near these rick folk, we gonna need to get you outa pants. Gotta blend in." He states.

"Damn...fine." I sigh, knowing he was right.

"Lets head to the tailor. We don't need to spruce up a ton, but just enough to blend in." He states. I give him a curt nod before trailing behind him. We aren't moving very fast in Denis. Can't go faster than a tortoise around here. I look down an old dirt road,

"I gotta short cut, follow me." I usher as I steer the horse down the direction, he follows now. Saint Denis is smoggy. The old black fumes gushing out of factories makes you scowl. Though the people are nice. You receive and give many hellos and small talk from the various people walking, riding, and in trolleys. You hook up Dana to a post and Arthur follows.

The two of you make your way up the stairs and press the doors open to the tailor. Various floppy hats, dresses, vests, and books are proudly on display as women with big fans are talking in corners amongst themselves. They notice you and it doesn't take a genius to figure out what the faint whispering would be about.

"Sir I need some sorta coat. Maybe a shotgun coat. Dark green?" He asked. The man took him round back, and another lady smiled at me, but notably staring at my pants.

"I'm gonna need a dress of sorts." I bring up and her eyes light up,

"Madame! I see! Let me see what I have." She grabbed my hand,

"Come come! Follow me." She exclaimed draggin me through the musty halls. She had shown me various dresses, from yellows, reds, greens, and blues. I settled on a simple emerald green dress with a flowey bottom, a collared top. It was freeing but at the same time, means it's gonna be a bitch to get on the horse.

We return and I shuffle for my wallet. She waves for me to put it away.

"Nono! The man already paid! Kilgore I believe his name was." She pointed. I looked back to see a slightly more dressed up Arthur. He replaced his blue shirt and blue jeans with black pants and a white shirt.

"Oh..well alright then." I shrug. We walked out waving goodbye to the tailors.

"You didn't have to pay." I stated blatantly.

"Just...don't bring it up again before I change my mind." He said.

"What will you do if you do? Rob me? Tear the clothes off? Either move is illegal Mister Morgan." I debate.

"And you have a bounty out for your name miss Ln so I presume you don't want the police on your back before we even get there?" He asked, a slight curve of his lip was present before shortly fading. 

Escapism (Arthur Morgan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now