Chapter 13

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Dinner was set on the table, it had green beans, cooked steaks, and steamed potatoes. There was a Peach pie sitting on the counter. A women with grey strands but otherwise brown curled locks turned fast. Mom.

"Hello Mama." I smile, she raced over and hugged me.

"My baby! Oh how I've worried." She exclaimed.

"You always do." I roll my eyes and fix my hat before hugging her back tightly.

"I've missed you too though." I smile, breathing in her sweet cinnamon scent. She then looks over to my right seeing a slightly awkward Arthur,

"And who might you be?" She asked.

"Arthur Morgan ma'am. Pleasure to meet you." He raised his hand to shake and she just wrapped her arms around him,

"I'm a hugger." Is all she said and he awkwardly hugged back.

"Are you here to court my daughter Yn?" She asked.

"Mom!" I groan.

"Whaaat? I can't ask your own little man if he's interested?" She stated as i she was not embarrassing me.

"Of course I'm interested. The two of you have a wonderful daughter." He smiled warmly as it touched her heart, and though I'm hesitant to admit it, mine too.

"Aw, come come, sit with us for dinner now why don't you." She smiled and we all sat.

"Oh- This is my brother, Ryan." I waved.

"Well hi there Ryan." Arthur nodded. Ryan just shifted in his seat,

"Hi." He said before digging into the potatoes.

"He doesn't talk to much." I whisper.

"I feel for him." He chuckled. Dinner was filled with chatter and inquires of mostly my parents. I figured he was trying to get some of the attention off him and more so my parents had no problem talking about themselves, and more so me.

"When Yn was a baby she once climbed on the horse and the horse took off with her! I came out to see ole Ben (The father) to chase that horse for at least 2 miles." She snorted, and Arthur snickered along with her, though Pa rarely looked amused.

"Oh I can do better, what about the time Yn slapped her face straight in the pie after her mama just made it, took the whole day to make and Yn came out with her face red with cherry juice." He laughed and ma rolled her eyes, clearly still affected by the day, but her eyes went wide,

"Speaking of pie! We were gonna have this here!" She served it out,

"Thank you ma'am, I've enjoyed the dinner so far." He smiled.

"It's no trouble really, I'm used to feeding 2 grown men, what's one more." She waved off.

"You know we had one time ole Cherry was bein' tied and I had no idea Yn was behind her, she shat right on her head and.."

"NOPE! I'm outa here." I stood up and walked out.

"Aw Yn! We are just teasin'" Mama laughed as laughter continued to erupted from the table.

"Arthur has a small bag to put up, I was gonna put it in a room so he can relax." I explain. I do so and Arthur follows behind,

"You're parents are fun." He smiled.

"Yes...can't wait to here you tell your tale of bein' shit on the head by a horse." I rolled my eyes.

"No I mean all around wise ass." He sat on the bed. He seemed to be analyzing.

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