Chapter 6

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Yn and Arthur go into the party. They make a few connections and robberies in which one is the mayor. One guy is a bit skeptical and finds their plans and Yn and Arthur have to ride out to catch him and eventually kill him. They head back and take the hotel as their last night. They return to camp.

We enter the party. Not many people here, but as we approach the back door, we are now exposed to an orchestra, dinner, and lots of dolled up folk littering the yard. We decide to walk up to the balcony to at least say hi to the man that got us in.

"Angelo Bronte." Arthur nodded his head to acknowledge him. Bronte turned around and plastered a big smile on his face,

"Mister and Misses Kilgore! How are y'all." He waved.

"Good, yourself?" I ask. He licks his lips when he makes eye contact with me, which sent creepy shudders down my spine.

"Just fine my lady."

"Look at all of these wannabe rich people, see from up here they look merely like ants. Like you could just crush them with your bare fist and nobody would know." He smiled devilishly.

"Uhuh." Arthur commented cautiously.

"Listen folks, I know you are at least willing to get your hands dirty, my friends told me about the grave robbing, so if you're curious on an alternate way to get money, try the train stop here, has more money then you'd think." He advised.

"I'm surprised you're giving us such information." I blink, he looked like he was going to kill me for a few seconds there, but his face twisted to soft smile,

"No my dear, I would love to help small businesses out." He states. I nod,

"It's appreciated." I say de-voiding my voice of emotion.

"Well don't use all your time up here! Go mingle! It is a party after all." He shooed us and we took our leave.

"You know...I don't know abo-" Arthur put his hand on my mouth muffling the rest of my sentence.

"Not here Yn..." He said looking around at the bottom floor of the house.

"Oh...sorry uh darlin." I smile. He seemed a bit taken back by the nickname, but he remembers we are downstairs in a house with echoing halls. We step outside, my hand around his arm, and he leans over to me.

"I see a big group of potentially rich boys over there, I think one is the mayor himself. I am going to go over there, be careful, try to find any potential rich folk or business owners." He orders.

"Ok...good luck!" I say, giving him a kiss on the cheek and I hurried off downstairs getting lost in the crowd, leaving a dumbfounded and red faced Arthur. My face was a hot mess and I began fanning myself graciously. I can't believe I did that. Not only I did that but can blame it for the sake of the mission.

I grab my journal and jot down

William & Holly Travis -Hospitality business in Saint Denis.

Angelo Bronte -Trainstop??? Bad feeling about it.

I look up and decide to mingle. I approach a tasteful guy in a green coat to talk,

"Hello there sir, how might you be?" I ask trying to rid myself of a bit of the accent.

"I'm just dandy, yourself?" He asks.

"Never been better! I figured you'd fancy a dance?" I ask urging the orchestra behind us.

"Very well madame." He reaches for my hand in which I give to him. We begin stepping and swinging across the yard to the music, I aim to get out of the earshot of others. Just as we reach one edge of the lot he smiles,

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