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Getting ready for Nicole's party took some time

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Getting ready for Nicole's party took some time.

Sarah went straight into the bathroom and washed her hair and body thoroughly until she smelled like her fruity shower gel. The hot water loosened her strained muscles as she shaved her legs, lazily running a razor over them to remove the small stubble that had appeared over the weekend.

She wrapped a blue towel around her wet body and walked back into her bedroom to get dressed.

She got dressed in a black singlet with a red plaid shirt over the top and a pair of black shorts with black boots that Taylor suggested she wear. Her blonde hair was in loose curls running down her back with small plaits running through it.

Sarah then did her makeup. She decided against foundation since her skin was clear, just adding concealer to the dark circles rimming her eyes. She did her eyebrows and some mascara before she was done.

Once Sarah had finished getting ready, she stopped by Belly's room.

"Are you sure about this, Taylor?" Sarah wondered as she walked into Belly's room, gesturing to the outfit.

Inside the bedroom, Taylor and Belly were getting ready for Nicole's party. Taylor wore a bright pink mini dress while Belly wore a striped crop top with beige pants.

"Sar, you look hot!" Taylor exclaimed. She turned to Belly and helped her put on mascara. "Tonight is gonna be so much fun."

"Yeah, I just hope it's not a disaster like the last party I went to." Belly said.

"You went to one party for like twenty minutes. It barely even counts." Sarah pointed out as she sat down on the bed.

Belly rolled her eyes. "Yeah, and I embarrassed myself in front of everyone."

"No, you made people notice you. Enjoy it. Don't spoil it." Taylor told her best friend.

"I mean, I guess it was pretty badass having a busted lip for a day, wasn't it, Sar?" Belly asked with a smirk.

"Yeah totally." Sarah muttered sarcastically, laughing lightly.

"Anyway... you know what we should talk about?" Taylor said, changing the subject as she gave Sarah a pointed look. "You and Conrad. I know you guys are like in a phase at the moment, but you guys need to fuck... like, right now."

Sarah's eyes widened in shock. "Taylor!"

"What? Anyone can feel the sexual tension between you two from a mile away. It's starting to get annoying." Taylor explained.

"He has a girlfriend... Nicole." Sarah reminded.

Taylor pursed her lips. "Well, we have to do something about that won't we?"

Belly rolled her eyes. "You're unbelievable."

"Zero clumps. I'm a genius." Taylor smiled as she closed the mascara. She then noticed the flower crowns on the bed. "Oh, we should totally wear these to the party."

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