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Susannah was sick again

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Susannah was sick again.

She had been for a long time. The cancer had returned, and this time it was more aggressive, spreading to her liver.

That night, Sarah laid in bed with her mother and cried. Her while body ached. She was mad at herself for not noticing Susannah's illness sooner. She was upset with herself for being so self-absorbed in her own problems that she hadn't even realized Susannah was sick or Conrad's reaction to it.

Looking back, it was so obvious but hidden.

Sarah couldn't bear to lose Susannah. None of them could. She was the heart of summer and the Summer House. Without her, it wouldn't feel like summer.

"I feel so stupid." Sarah whimpered.

"Honey, why would you feel stupid?" Jackie asked, running her fingers through her daughter's hair.

"Because all summer long, I've been thinking about myself, and Susannah was sick, and I didn't even know." Sarah explained through tears.

"That's how she wanted it. It's exactly how she wanted it." Jackie told her daughter.

"How long have you known?" Sarah asked, sniffling.

"Since the Spring. She didn't want to burden you kids with it. She wanted one last Summer with you guys." Jackie said, which caused Sarah to cry even more.

Sarah turned to face her mother. "But what about you?"

"What about me?"

"You had to carry it all by yourself."

Jackie broke down, tears streaming down her face as she embraced her daughter. They both laid on the bed, crying together.

The bedroom door opened, and Liam entered, his face red and his eyes filled with tears. "She's not gonna get better, is she?"

Jackie shook her head. "No."

Liam walked over to the other side of the bed and laid down beside his mother. Jackie laid in bed with both her children latching onto her like koalas as they wept.

Sarah wished the tide would carry her away and never bring her back. She wondered if that was how Conrad, Jeremiah and Belly felt.

It seemed like the world was ending, and nothing would ever be the same again.

It was true, and it wouldn't be.


After what felt like hours, everyone gathered downstairs for dinner. Sarah changed into denim shorts and a black long-sleeved shirt before heading to the kitchen.

As she entered the kitchen, she saw everyone already seated at the dining table, enjoying dinner.

Sarah took her place between Conrad and Liam.

The dinner was one of the best she had at Cousins. She reminisced about the wonderful moments shared with everyone in the Summer House.

There were times this summer when Sarah felt lost, but she knew one thing for sure: no matter what the future held, she would always return to this place and these people.


The sky was gray, and a chill hung in the air.

It was so misty that it took Sarah a minute to find him. Finally, she spotted him about a half a mile down the beach. He was sitting with his knees close to his chest, staring out at the ocean without looking her.

"I can't believe she said yes." Conrad said, beaming.

Susannah had agreed to undergo cancer treatment.

Sarah smiled. "You did it. You changed her mind."

"Oh, it wasn't me. It was Jere. He did it." Conrad admitted. Sarah sighed and turned to watch the sun rise over the water. Conrad's eyes linger on her profile. "Sarah, I'm sorry for being so shitty all summer."

Sarah turned to face him, their eyes meeting. "I mean, you were going through all this alone. I wish you had told me so you didn't have to."

"I wanted to. I almost did a couple of times." He admitted.

The two sat in silence, staring at each other. Sarah felt her heartbeat against her chest when she noticed Conrad flickering his eyes down to her lips before back into her eyes.

"Um, we should go in." Sarah suggested, breaking the intense gaze.

"There's so many things I want to say to you." Conrad said.

"Don't. Not now." She insisted and stood up on her feet.

"Why?" He questioned, standing up with her.

The two were now facing each other.

"Cause you really, really, really need somebody right now, and... I don't want to be the kind of person who takes advantage of that."

"I don't just need somebody. I need you."

Sarah's heart skipped a beat, her stomach fluttering with a mix of hope and uncertainty.

"I don't want you to need me. I want you to want me." She told him.

"I do want you." He said in a soft voice, his hand reaching up to cup her cheek.

Conrad wasted no time, placing one hand on Sarah's hip to pull her closer as his other caressed her cheek. His lips pressed to hers softly. His lips were warm and needy. He needed her. She smiled into the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck as she deepened the kiss.

Every stolen glance, every hand hold, every joke, every laugh, every cry, every longing embrace was worth what they had now. They were officially each other's. And they weren't letting go of one another any time soon. It was all worth it.

In this moment, Sarah realized if this can happen, maybe anything can.

PUBLISHED: 24.08.23

A\N: Finally finished season one! I honestly can't wait to write season two, I have so much planned!

I hope you liked this chapter!

Votes and comments are very much appreciated!

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