I Spy...A married couple?

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They were only 3 hours into their roadtrip and Peter was already bored out of his mind so he decided to make a suggestion "Let's play a game."

"I'll pass." Said Raven sleepily.

"Me too." Erik responded gruffly.

"Ooooo what game should we play?" Kurt asked.

Charles stared at Erik briefly before responding "I think it's a brilliant idea."

"Fine." Erik rolled his eyes.

Peter thought it was remarkable and quite amusing how easily Charles could make Erik change his mind about anything.

"Fine I'll play, so long as it's not something stupid like I spy." Raven stated.

"Hey I Spy is a great game." Peter responded defensively.

Raven rolled her eyes at Peter.

"What's I spy?" Kurt asked curiously.

"Basically you say 'I spy with my little eye, something...' then you say for example a colour and everyone has to guess the object." Peter explained, "does everyone understand?"

The other occupants in the car nodded before Hank piped up "I may be an unwilling participant on the roadtrip but I still get to join in right?"

"Of course Hank." Charles laughed.

"Right, I'll go first, I spy with my little eye, something the colour... silver." Peter announced.

"Your jacket?" Kurt guessed.

"Nope." Peter grinned.

"Your hair?" Raven asked, causing Peter to grin and nod before she continued to talk "My go, I spy with my little eye, something the colour blue."

"My skin?" Kurt asked.

"My skin?" Hank asked.

"You?" Charles guessed with a grin.

"Yep, Charles is correct." Raven laughed.

Charles thought for a moment before a small smirk formed on his face "I spy with my little eye, something that is...handsome."

The occupant of the back of the car stared in shock at Charles.

Erik glared at Charles "no, pick something else and play the game right."

Charles laughed "fine, I spy with my little eye, something that is...handsome and annoyed."

"Then, I spy with my little eye, someone who can't play a child's game correctly." Erik responded quickly.

Charles moved his hand to Erik's thigh, "alright, alright calm down darling I play properly. I spy with my little eye, something that is blue."

Despite there being many blue people in the car, the way Charles spoke made it perfectly clear that he was not talking about any of them. Erik was struggling to keep the smile off his face as he responded "Don't tell me...my eyes."

Charles merely grinned in response.

"Ok I have to ask, are you guys dating or what?" Peter asked curiously.

Charles burst out into fits of giggles while Erik chuckled lightly.

"Ok Erik is laughing which makes everything a lot weirder." Hank commented.

Kurt and Raven both made noises of agreement.

"I don't think the wedding rings on our fingers make us boyfriends, do you Erik?" Charles asked, smirking.

"No they do not." Erik responded.

"YOU'RE MARRIED!?" Exclaimed Hank.

"Yes, for just over a year now." Charles smiled.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Raven asked.

"None of you knew?" Erik asked in return.

Kurt, Peter, Raven and Hank all shook their heads.

"Raven, Hank we asked you to sign the documents. Did you not read them?" Charles stated.

"Erm." They both responded.

Charles rolled his eyes "we were never very secret about it, it's not as though I prevented you from seeing the silver band on my ring finger."

The others ignored the slight jab at their observation skills and Peter asked "so how long were you dating before you got married?"

"20 years." Smiled Charles.

"So wait all that time you were drunk and depressed in the mansion after Erik left you were still dating?" Hank asked.

"Technically yes." Charles responded.

"That was not one of my finest moments." Erik stated stiffly.

"No wonder you punched him in the face professor."

Charles rolled his eyes "Peter, just call me Charles."

"I did deserve it." Erik muttered.

Charles patted Erik's thigh and the others stared at Erik as he smiled softly at his Husband.

"And all those times you we thought you were just friends who became weirdly close you were in fact fucking?" Raven asked.

Peter's eyes widened - he didn't want to think about that. Erik was smirking while Charles had turned a deep shade of red "RAVEN."

"Let's change the topic of conversation." Peter suggested, as he really didn't want to hear about his dad's sex life.

He caught Raven's eye and glared at her, she sent him an apologetic glance before laughing slightly at the expression on her brother's face. Charles had moved his hand from Erik's thigh and was running it through his hair to try and cover his embarrassment. Erik laughed and grabbed Charles', intertwining their fingers.

"Congratulations on your wedding." Kurt commented.

"Thank you." Charles responded.

Erik merely nodded before turning his eyes back to the road.

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