Why's your shirt wet...?

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After they had finished eating and Raven had (grudgingly) paid the bill, they walked towards where Erik had parked the car. When they caught sight of Erik and Charles, Hank fainted.

Charles had his hand on Erik's cheek and as he lent forward, he whispered something before gently kissing Erik's lips. When he pulled away, Erik smiled lovingly before running his hand through Charles' hair. Charles murmured something causing Erik to chuckle before he lent in and kissed Charles softly.

"How positively revolting." Raven stated.

Kurt looked at her in shock which made Raven announce "don't worry, I'm only saying that because it's my brother."

Kurt nodded in understanding before laughing slightly. At the sound of Hank hitting the floor with a loud thump, Charles and Erik broke apart and turned to stare out of the window. Charles smiled slightly and beckoned the others to get into the car.

Raven dragged Hank into the car before asking with a smirk "so what did we just walk in on?"

Erik's face had been wiped of all emotion as he responded "a private conversation."

"How much talking was done?" Raven asked, her smirk widening.

"That is none of your business." Erik announced with finality.

With that, everyone could tell that Erik was not going to offer any more information so they fell silent for the rest of the drive to the hotel. Charles had raised his fingers to his temple and was concentrating. Peter assumed that he was talking with Erik because the stony expression on his dad's face (while still there) was less furious.

When they got to the hotel, no one said a word as Charles booked three rooms: one for him, Erik and Peter, one for Hank and one for Raven and Kurt.

The silence was uncomfortable as they trekked up to their rooms.

"Night." Mumbled Hank.

"Goodnight." Kurt whispered.

"See you tomorrow." Charles smiled - trying to remain positive.

"Night Kurt." Peter mumbled.

Erik said nothing and walked straight into the suite. Peter walked in after him and had to hold in a gasp, the room was massive. It contained several comfortable sofas, a giant bathroom and two separate bedrooms.

Erik walked into the room he and Charles would be sharing and shut the door. Peter sat down on the sofa and hid his face in his hands. Charles rolled over to him and asked "are you alright Peter?"

Peter looked up at Charles, unshed tears in his eyes "it was going to well and I screwed it up."

Charles held out his arms and Peter was embarrassed to admit how quickly he threw himself into the embrace. Charles rubbed Peter's back comfortingly before whispering "it's alright Peter, let it all out."

After around 10 minutes of quiet sobbing, Peter pulled away from Charles and tried to compose himself.

"You must think I'm stupid, I'm a 26 year old man who just sobbed on your shoulder." Peter laughed bitterly.

"I don't think you're stupid." Charles whispered.

"I just really want a relationship with Erik." Peter mumbled.

Charles nodded but didn't push the matter further, "why don't you get some rest then talk to him tomorrow?" He suggested.

Peter nodded before getting up off the sofa, he glanced down at Charles and shot him a watery grin "thanks Charles."

"You're welcome Peter, if you ever need to talk to someone I'll always be here." Charles smiled.

Peter smiled at Charles, not needing to say anything since Charles could tell how he felt before walking to his room and shutting the door.

Charles rolled over to the room he was sharing with Erik and carefully opened the door. After slowly pushing it open, he rolled himself into the room and shut the door behind him.

Erik was lying in bed, a book in his hands, reading intently. He looked up at the sensation of Charles' metal wallpaper rolling into the room and shot him a small smile.

Charles transferred himself into the bed and removed his trousers before asking "are you alright Erik?"

Erik put his book down with a sigh before turning to face his husband, "I don't really know anymore. I'm such a mess. I'm terrified of losing Peter and I'm scared that if I become close to him I'll lose him like I lost Nina. I love him like a son after all."

Charles awkwardly shuffled himself over to Erik and hugged him tightly. Erik smiled and lent into the hug.

"Thanks Char...wait why's your shirt soaking wet?" Erik asked.

"Peter." Charles responded.

"He was crying?" Erik gasped.

Charles nodded and Erik sat up in horror "I have to speak to him." He announced.

"He's gone to bed, wait until the morning darling." Charles instructed.

Erik collapsed back against the pillows and mumbled "he's going to hate me."

Charles pulled Erik close and pressed a kiss to his forehead "he doesn't hate you, now get some rest darling you've had a long day."

Erik lent up and kissed Charles on the lips before wrapping his arms around him tightly and falling asleep.

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