Persuading Erik

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It was a peaceful morning at Xavier's school for gifted youngsters and Peter was slumped at the table, the remnants of his breakfast discarded to the side of him.

Raven walked in and laughed "You alive over there Peter?"

Peter groaned "go away Raven."

"Someone's happy," She commented as she slid into a chair next to him, "What's up?"

"Would you believe me if I told you I had a severe case if Daddy issues?" Peter asked.

"I would actually." Raven laughed.

Peter turned to face Raven and sighed "How do I tell him when I don't know him very well?"

Raven smiled understandingly at him "Peter I'm in a very similar situation."

Peter looked shocked and asked "you are?"

Raven nodded, "my situation is the opposite to yours though, I have to try and tell someone that I'm there mother."

Peter stared at Raven, thinking deeply before suddenly he realised who she was talking about "Kurt."

Raven nodded before starting, "perhaps we should organise an event or something that allows us to get to know our newly discovered family members and then tell them about the family connections we share."

Peter nodded then smirked "I have an idea."

"Do tell." Grinned Raven.

"What about a roadtrip?" Peter suggested.

"What a good idea, where too?" Raven grinned.

"California." Peter announced.

"Great idea, but how do we convince Erik to come?" Raven asked.

"We use the only person he would remotely listen to." I smirked.

"Charles." We both grinned.

The two excited mutants rushed to Charles' study and hammered on the door.

"Come in." Called Charles.

Raven yanked the door open and they both ran inside.

"Hello Professor." Grinned Peter.

"Hello Peter, Raven. Now what do I owe the pleasure of this visit." He asked.

Charles Xavier was sat at his desk, in his wheelchair smiling at the excited people before him. He could have just read their minds to see what they wanted but he didn't as he didn't want to invade their privacy.

"Well we - Peter, Kurt and I - wanted to go on a roadtrip." Raven began.

"And we wondered if you could help us convince Erik to come with us." Peter finished.

"I'm sure that can be arranged, where do you want to go?" Charles smiled.

"We were planning to go to California." Raven grinned.

Charles nodded then raised his index and middle finger to his temple.

"Erik, can you come to my office please?"

Peter and Raven were bubbling with excitement at the prospect of their road trip.

"You do realise it may take a few weeks for me to convince Erik." Charles sighed slightly.

"A few weeks!" Peter exclaimed.

Charles chuckled slightly "when were you thinking of leaving?"

"Tomorrow." Raven stated.

Charles smiled "well I shall try and convince him."

As if he were on cue, Erik Lehnsherr walked through the door after using his powers to turn the door handle.

"What Charles," he gruffed, "you know I hate being called up here. I'm not your personal assistant."

If he had been talking to anyone else they would have felt offended at his rudeness however Charles merely rolled his eyes.

Without missing a beat, he responded "you would me Erik. It's as if you don't know me at all."

The only thing that changed about Erik's stony expression was his eyes glinting slightly with humour.

"What did you want?"

"Raven, Peter and Kurt are going on a road trip to California and they have requested your company." Charles explained.

"No, absolutely not." Erik's eyes narrowed as he stared at Charles.

"Erik you deserve a relaxing vacation after everything that has happened." Charles smiled softly.

"How long for?" Erik asked.

"Well at least a week, maybe a few more days depending on how long we drive for each day." Raven explained.

"Why a road trip, Peter could just run, Kurt could teleport or you could even get a plane?" Erik stated.

Staring in bemusement at Erik, Charles chuckled and as he lent his arm on his wheelchair he responded "the point is relaxation and a chance to bond."

"So you got fed up of me Charles and want to send me away for a little time?" Erik sniped.

Charles stared at Erik, his eyebrows raised. Erik stared back. Neither of them said a word, they merely stared at eachother. They appeared to be talking through their facial expressions. Peter looked on perplexed at their unique interaction, he wondered just how close they really were.

Eventually Erik groaned "alright I'll go but, Charles comes."

Charles glanced over at Raven and after sending her a telepathic message "forgive me but it's the only way to get him to come," he grinned at Erik "whatever gave you the impression that I wasn't coming dear?"

Peter's eyes widened "Dear?" He thought, "how close are they exactly."

Erik looked down, slightly bashful as he responded "oh, sorry Charles."

Raven snorted however she managed to turn her laugh into a cough.

Charles smiled fondly "no worries Erik."

"I'm glad you're coming Erik." Peter grinned.

Erik looked around and stared at the silver haired boy and unless he was quite mistaken, he was sure he saw a ghost of a smile flicker across his lips. Erik nodded once before turning to walk away. Charles wheeled himself over to Erik and tugged at the sleeve of his black turtleneck. Erik allowed himself to smile fondly as he bent down and placed his ear near Charles mouth.

"It will be nice to be able to spend time with you Erik." Charles whispered.

Erik's eyes softened as he stood up and stared at the handicapped man. After gently squeezing Charles' shoulder, he walked out of the room.

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