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Erik was not happy with the changes in seating arrangements. He liked driving, he found it therapeutic - especially when Charles was  beside him. When Charles pointed out that he needed a break from the stress, he eventually gave in and sat in the seat behind Kurt.

When Raven pulled out of the hotel, Peter snapped on his headphones and allowed the music to take over all his senses. Every so often, Charles would glance at him - hoping to strike up a conversation but each time he did so, Peter pretended he hadn't seen him.

Charles knew that Peter was avoiding him so after a while he gave up. He pulled out a book and began to read.

Peter stared at Charles intently. He seemed very relaxed as he read his book but there was something odd going on. Every time Charles laughed, so did Erik. Peter wondered if they were having a conversation as they read.

Eventually, Peter's curiosity got the better of him (and he felt guilty for ignoring Charles when he wanted to talk to him). Trying to sound casual, he asked "What are you doing?"

Charles looked over at Peter and smiled slightly "reading,"

Peter was about to ask another question however Charles continued to talk "telepathically to Erik."

Peter glanced from Charles to Erik (who was staring out of the window) and smiled "that's really intimate, what are you reading?"

Erik became slightly flustered when he tried to respond. All that came out of his mouth was an incoherent mumble so, laughing, Charles responded "it's a romance novel."

Peter had to hold back a laugh, he would have expected Charles to like romance (he just seemed like that sort of person) but not Erik.

"This is brilliant blackmail." Raven smirked from the driver's seat.

"Agreed." Hank piped up from the back.

"There will be no blackmailing my husband." Charles announced firmly.

"Spoilsport." Raven grumbled.

After they had stopped to get lunch, Charles decided to talk to Peter using his telepathy.

"Peter, can we talk?"

"Oh god what if he tells Erik that I'm his son. Stupid Peter, stupid. Don't think about Erik. Stop thinking about how scared you are that he won't want you as his so as let's be real, who would want you as a son. Don't think about how happy you felt when Erik said that he was willing to protect you from anything. Charles is in your head so don't think about how happy you were to find out that he was married to Erik. Wait now you think of Charles as a parent figure. Stop doing that he'll think you're so pathetic, a grown man who sobbed into the arms of his professor because he sees him m as a father figure and was sad that his actual dad shouted at him. You may have acted like you were joking when you called Charles mom but you definitely weren't as you see him as a dad. Shut up Peter don't think about the fact that you want to be in a family with Charles and Erik." Peter though, not realising that Charles could hear every word.

"Can we stop the car please?" Charles rasped, his face turning green.

Raven pulled over and as the car screeched to a Holt, Erik flung open the door; Charles lent over and puked onto the highway. At the sight of his husband being sick, Erik sprang out of the car and (in a speed that could rival Peter) rushed to Charles' side.

Erik rubbed Charles' back soothingly and whispered to him comfortingly. After he had finished puking, Charles nodded once so Erik held him around the waist and slowly helped him to sit up.

Peter handed him a bottle of water and with shaking hands he drank long deeply. Erik kissed the top of his head before walking back around to his seat.

"Peter, swap with me please." Erik instructed.

Peter climbed out of the car and allowed Erik to clamber in. He buckled his seat belt before wrapping his arm around Charles' shoulders and pulling him close. Peter got back into the car and shut the door.

"Are you alright Charles, was it the sandwich you ate?" Raven asked.

"No it was Peter." Charles responded.

Guiltily, Peter stared at the floor "I'm sorry Charles."

Erik glared at him "What did you do?"

Evidently loving someone like a son does not stop them from being a victim of Erik's furious protectiveness of his husband.

"Erik, it wasn't his fault directly. I tried to speak to him telepathically however I forgot that due to his mutation, his thoughts run at a faster pace. Since he was thinking rapidly at many things at the same time it made me sick. I'll be fine so long as I don't use my telepathy much." Charles explained.

"Can we continue driving?" Raven asked.

Charles nodded and after Erik pulled the door shut with his mutation Raven started the car and they drove away.

"I'm really sorry Charles." Peter whispered meekly.

"Peter it's fine, it wasn't your fault." Charles smiled.

Erik whispered something into Charles' ear and after Charles had mumbled a response, Erik pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"Is it just me who finds it weird that Erik's being affectionate, I mean I've barely ever seen him kiss Charles before." Hank stated.

"Publicly awkward and privately intimate." Erik muttered causing Charles to laugh gently.

He lent his head on Erik's chest and mumbled "I think you're very romantic."

Erik smiled and kissed Charles' head. Hank was staring at them in shock while Raven was looking at her brother fondly.

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