Taking Charles' advice

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Peter and Kurt were laying on the roof of the hotel, watching the sun go down. They had not spoken for some time, all that had happened was that Peter's arm had draped around the smaller boy's shoulder.

"When were you thinking of telling Erik?" Kurt asked curiously.

"I don't know, I don't want to ruin anything." Peter sighed.

"I don't think you will, Erik is very kind. I mean he was willing to help me when I couldn't remember a phrase in English." Kurt smiled.

"Do you prefer to speak German?" Peter asked.

"Well I'm fluent in German and not in English so it's certainly easier." Kurt responded.

"I'd learn German for you so that you are more comfortable." Peter announced.

Kurt gasped "Peter that's really not necessary but why would you do that?"

Peter stood up then pulled Kurt to his feet and led him to the edge of the roof. As he held Kurt's hand, he stared at the sunset until eventually he turned and faced Kurt.

"I'd do it because I have a crush on you." Peter whispered.

Kurt blushed then asked "why would you like ME?"

Peter stared at Kurt in shock "are you kidding? Kurt you're an amazing person, so sweet and thoughtful. You've always been there for me and you're the best person ever. You are also incredibly handsome and every time we talk it warms me all the way through my body."

Kurt turned bright red "you definitely took Charles advice on how to flirt."

Peter chuckled, he gently turned Kurt around to face him before asking "as much as I am enjoying flirting with you, may I kiss you?"

Kurt smiled at Peter before nodding nervously. Peter lent down, a wide grin on his face and gently pressed his lips to Kurt's.  It took a minute before Kurt tentatively kissed him back.

When they broke apart, Kurt gently wrapped his arms around Peter and hugged him "thank you Peter, you're the first person who has liked me for me and how I look."

Hugging Kurt back, Peter whispered "you are most welcome handsome."

Kurt looked up at Peter and smiled. Peter lent down and pressed their lips together for a short, sweet kiss before he asked "Will you be my boyfriend?"

Kurt nodded egarly before throwing his arms around Peter's neck and kissing him again. Chuckling, Peter rested his hands on Kurt's waist and kissed him back.

"Did you want to tell people?" Peter asked.

"We might as well tell the road trip gang, seeing this is a bonding experience." Kurt stated.

Peter laughed "that's true. An awful lot of confessions seem to be happening on this trip, don't you think?"

Kurt laughed "there certainly is."

Peter grabbed Kurt's hand and allowed him to teleport them back into the hotel room.

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