Note to self: Don't do it you son of a-

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After pulling into the next hotel, Peter got out of the car and took a deep breath. He planned to tell Erik that night. Kurt kept out beside him and tentatively took his hand "are you ok Peter?" he asked.

"Yeah, just nervous." Peter responded.

Kurt smiled at him and squeezed his hand reassuringly, "it'll be alright, he loves you, I know it."

Peter gently kissed Kurt's cheek before following Charles and Erik into the hotel.

"Hank, do you want a room so you can lactate in peace?" Erik asked.

The receptionist made an odd choking noise. Unless you knew the joke, that would be a rather odd thing to overhear when talking to a fury blue man.

"I hate you so much." Hank growled.

Peter laughed and Charles tried to hold back a grin as he politely requested, "can we have 3 rooms please, one with a king size bed and a single, one with a queen and a single and one with a double?"

The receptionist stared down at Charles and asked "will that be enough room for all of you, I can give you 3 rooms with 2 single beds in each room?"

Erik glared at the woman "my husband was perfectly clear with what will work for us."

The lady stared back at Erik with distain " people should be throw in jail."

Peter's eyes widened, Erik was not going to take that lightly.

"Your blatant homophobic behaviour is not the best choice of action considering I was going to book your 3 suites." Charles laughed.

Kurt was shocked at how Charles brushed off the lady's behaviour as though it were nothing. He clutched Peter's hand tightly, worried that he would be the woman's next target for slander.

"Your disgusting behaviour-" the receptionist was cut off by her necklace tightening around her neck.

"Erik it's not worth it." Charles whispered softly, grabbing his husband's hand.

Erik (reluctantly) stopped trying to strangle the woman. His furious protectiveness of his husband was about to lash out at the woman with his words instead however as he opened his mouth to speak, someone else spoke up.

"How dare you, you say my dads' behaviour is disgusting? You clearly haven't heard yourself. Your bullshit slander is not worth wasting your breath. When it comes to being homophobic, note to self: Don't do it you son of a-" Peter spat.

He was cut off by Charles clearing his throat and announcing "Come on, let's go somewhere else."

Charles led the way out of the hotel and back towards the car.

"Thank you Peter." Erik mumbled slightly stiffly.

"You're welcome Erik." Peter smiled.

"Why were you so willing to stand up for Charles and I?" He asked.

Peter's smile faltered slightly, he looked around and saw Hank and Raven walking behind them.

"Let's just say I had a rough childhood." Peter murmured.

"When we get to the next hotel, do you want to talk about it?" Erik asked calmly.

Peter looked up at Erik and asked back "just you and me or with mom?"

"It's your choice." Erik responded with a small, reassuring smile.

Peter thought for a moment before announcing "I'd like it to just be the two of us in the room, but will you tell Charles."

"Alright." Erik nodded before picking up the pace of his steps so that he could catch up to his husband and let him know the plan.

"Thank you for standing up for my brother." Raven whispered in Peter's ear softly.

Peter grinned back at her "hey, he's technically my stepdad, if course I'd defend him."

Raven gave him a short hug before getting into the car. When everyone was secured in the car, Erik started the engine and drove out of the hotel.

"I have a question." Hank announced.

"What is it Hank?" Charles asked.

"Charles, why on earth did you choose Erik if all people."

"We all like a bad boy don't we." Charles smirked.

"Yes but not a fucking terrorist." Hank responded, rolling his eyes.

"I'm not a terrorist any more, I was just in a bit of a groovy mood." Erik stated weakly.

Raven roared with laughter "groovy mood," she wheezed "you've spent too much time with Charles, Erik."

Charles smiled then grabbed Erik's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. Erik glanced over at his husband and they shared a small smile.

The journey to the next hotel was only 10 minutes so it passed relatively quickly. When they pulled into the hotel Erik mumbled "take 2."

Charles smiled, "it'll be alright darling."

Erik smiled tightly before getting out the car and helping Charles into his wheelchair. Peter jumped out the car and grabbed Kurt's hand "I'm getting an odd sense of déjà vu."

Kurt laughed as Raven and Hank got out. They all walked (with the exception of Charles who rolled himself) into the hotel.

"Hello, wow you are handsome." The lady stated, staring at Erik.

Erik shifted uncomfortably so Charles swooped in and saved the day.

"Hello can we have 3 rooms. One with a king bed and a single for my husband and our son." Charles began, heavily emphasising the word husband.

The lady behind the counter blushed, ashamed at her obvious flirting with a married man. She mumbled an apology and let Charles continue talking.

"A room with a queen bed and a single and a room with a double bed." Charles finished.

The lady nodded then handed over 3 keys after Charles had paid. Erik placed a kiss on Charles' head as he wheeled himself away towards the lift.

"You didn't need to put so much stress on the husband." Erik chuckled.

"She flirted with MY husband, she got what was coming." Charles responded firmly.

Erik raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"I didn't know Charles was so protective." Hank whispered.

Peter chuckled. Charles certainly was very protective of his husband.

"I have to tell you something Charles." Erik whispered quietly and extremely seriously.

"What?" Charles asked, he had stopped in front of the lift and turned to face Erik.

Erik took a deep breath as if he were preparing himself for a grave confession. Charles'  mind started to race, scared to find out what Erik was going to say. Erik looked Charles in the eyes and deadpanned "I'm gay."

"You arsehole." Charles hit Erik on the arm and tried to shove him much to the amusement of the rest of their group, "I know that you bloody idiot. I was terrified about what you were going to say. I hate you so much don't you ever do that again."

Charles was about to continue ranting however deciding that it would be the only way to shut him up, Erik bent down and pressed his lips to Charles', "you didn't let me finish." He mumbled.

"Go on." Charles responded.

"I'm gay," Charles opened his mouth indignantly to interrupt however Erik continued before he could talk, "and, completely and utterly head over heels in love for my husband, a Dummkopf named Charles Francis Xavier-Lehnsherr who must be a pretty shit telepath if he didn't know that."

Charles' glare softened and pulled Erik down into a gentle kiss. Dramatically, Raven pretend to puke "ugh that was the sappiest thing I've ever seen and heard."

"Agreed." Nodded Hank.

"I think it was sweet." Announced Peter, causing Erik and Charles to smile softly at him as they all crowded into the lift.

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