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Peter woke up in his bed. Normal thing right? Well yes, however he couldn't remember how he got to his bed in the first place. Stretching, he got up and walked into the living room. At the sight of Erik the memories from last night all came crashing back.

"Morning son." Erik called.

Peter beamed, "morning dad."

"I'm going to wake up my husband, I'll be back in a moment."

Peter nodded and Erik got out of his seat and walked into his room. Charles was still fast asleep, his hair sprawled chaotically over the pillows. Bending down, Erik placed a gentle kiss on Charles' forehead.

"Time to get up love." He whispered.

Charles tried to turn around and bury his face in his pillow however Erik stopped him.

"Ah ah ah, wake up sleepyhead."

Chuckling, Erik kissed Charles on the lips softly.

"Too early." Charles grumbled.

Helping his husband sit up, Erik smirked "who insisted on coming on the roadtrip."

"It's too early for your sass."

Making sure he didn't sit on his husband's legs, Erik sat down in the side of the bed. Charles noticed Erik's caution when sitting down and rolled his eyes "I'm not fragile, you can sit your beautiful ass down on my legs, you won't hurt me."

Erik smiled over at Charles then grasped his hand in his own, "I know but still..."

Leaning forward, Charles cupped Erik's cheek with his hand before gently kissing Erik on the lips. Before Erik could deepen the kiss, Peter knocked on the door, "I'm dad, sorry to interrupt your make out sesh but I'm going to get in the shower so Raven doesn't shout at me."

Erik called out "you'd rather Raven shout at me than at you?"


Charles snorted with laughter.

"Raven may be scary but dad, you are wayyyyy scarier."

Grinning devilishly, Erik responded "good good."

Peter walked away from the door and shut himself in the bathroom to get himself ready for the day.

Brushing a strand of Charles' hair behind his ear, Erik smiled "when we get back to the mansion you can sleep for longer."

Charles grabbed Erik's hand in his then carefully kissed each one of Erik's knuckles, pushing all of the love he possessed for his husband into the simple touch.

"Can I just lay in bed with you for a whole day? I just want to hug you." Charles asked quietly.

"Of course," Erik smiled, "I'd trade anything to just spend a day relaxing with you."

Charles kissed Erik once more before responding "yay, now I love kissing you but I should probably get out of bed."

Erik stood up, picked Charles up then gently placed him down into his wheelchair. His actions were reciprocated with a glare from Charles.

"You know you love it." Erik grinned.


By the time they were all ready for the day, Raven had been impatiently banging on the door for around 10 minutes.

"Hurry the fuck up." She called.

Charles opened the door and wheeled himself out of the room. Peter skipped besides him and Erik brought up the rear, shutting the door behind them.

"To the car?" Charles suggested.

"Hank and Kurt are already there, you're just incredibly slow." Raven announced.

"I had to get Charles up." Erik grinned.

"Fair point." Raven smirked.

Peter chuckled while Charles rolled his eyes "my sister and my husband ganging up on me what did I do to deserve this?"

"How could you dad?" Peter laughed as they crossed the short stretch of car park to where the car was parked.

"WAIT DAD!" Raven shouted, "YOU ACTUALLY DID IT!?"

Peter nodded. As soon as he stopped next to the car, his vision was then blurred by a mane of auburn hair, Raven had thrown herself on him and was hugging him tightly.

"So Peter, how did Daddy take finding out he had a son?" Hank asked.

Shuddering, Peter responded "please don't call him daddy."

"Of course, my apologies, that name is what Charles calls him." Hank smirked.

Charles coughed, his face heating up in embarrassment. Peter gagged "ergh Hank you're going to make me sick, I think I need to pour bleach into my ears."

"Charles, if you donate my body to science after I die, please make sure you give Hank my middle fingers." Erik announced.

Charles had hidden his face by pressing it against Erik's stomach. He smiled slightly at the feeling of Erik combing his fingers through his hair however he refused to look at the other people in the group in case he mistakenly caught one of their eyes.

"Since Peter has admitted to Erik, does that mean we get to go home?" Raven asked.

"What?" Erik asked, "I thought we were going to California."

"Well the point of the roadtrip was so that I could tell Kurt about me being his mother and Peter could tell you about your familial connection. I knew he would take ages to tell you because he's a pussy however by suggesting California, it gave us a lot of time." Raven explained in an off-hand manner.

Shuffling on his feet awkwardly Peter mumbled "not my fault my dad is more terrifying than your son."

"Well done for telling him Peter, I'm very proud of you." Kurt beamed, leaning towards his boyfriend to peck him on the cheek.

Erik looked down at Charles who was still determinedly hiding his face "did you know this?"

"I may have suggested it." Charles mumbled.

"Unbelievable." Erik laughed, kissing Charles on the top of his head, "well then, time to go home?"

Everyone nodded and settled into the car, preparing themselves for a long drive home.

"This has been the best roadtrip ever." Kurt announced, his head resting on Peter's shoulder.

"Couldn't agree more." Peter grinned.

Erik glanced over and caught Charles' eye. Charles smiled at his husband and rested his hand on his thigh.

"I agree."

"As do I."

Raven nodded eagerly then all eyes turned to Hank.

"I hated every minute of it." He stated.

"Liar," Raven laughed "you're just moody because of the fact that you're pregnant."

"I hate you."

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