T is for Trauma

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Charles rolled into the hotel room and wheeled himself over to where his and Erik's bedroom was before shutting the door quietly behind him. Peter walked over to the sofa and nervously sat down. A minute later, Erik sat down beside him.

"What did you want to tell me Peter?" Erik asked.

Taking a deep breath, Peter responded "Well, you asked the reason why I was so willing to defend you and Charles well the whole story is long and really says T is for trauma."

Erik's eyes softened and he patted Peter on the knee encouragingly "tell me at your own pace Peter."

"If that happened it would be over way too soon for you to even comprehend what I said." Peter joked halfheartedly.

Erik smiled encouragingly then let Peter speak.

"When I was younger I always knew that I was different - I'm not talking about my mutation I'm talking about emotionally. I was 10 when I first had a crush on a boy. Not understanding, I sought out the help of my mother. I wish I didn't as I ended up being called slurs for the rest of my time with her. The years of emotional abuse took a toll on me and when I was 16, I decided that I wanted to find out who my dad was. I eventually found out who he was however the price I had to pay was Magda - my mother - disowned me." Peter explained heavily.

There was a flash of recognition in Erik's eyes at the mention of the name Magda however instead of saying something, he awkwardly wrapped his arm around Peter's shoulder and brought him into a comforting hug, "it's alright, I'm here." He whispered.

"Thank you." Peter responded thickly, his voice choked by unshed tears.

"Do you...do you know who your father is?" Erik asked hesitantly.

"Yes, he's honestly an amazing person and I am so glad that he's my dad." Peter smiled slightly.

"What's...what's his name?" Erik asked cautiously.

"I think you've figured that out Erik." Peter chuckled, wiping a tear from his cheek.

"Mein Sohn." Erik whispered hoarsly, yet still uncertain if his hypothesis was correct.

"Do you want me Dad?" Peter asked.

Erik pulled Peter into a tight hug and this time, Peter hugged him back tightly.

"Of course I want you, you are the best son I could imagine having." Erik responded.

That snapped the rope holding back the buckets of tears in Peter's eyes. He began sobbing quietly into Erik's shoulder, becoming more and more breathless by the second.

"I love you dad." Peter choked.

Erik rubbed Peter's back soothingly helping him to calm down.

"I love you too son." He responded.

Peter fell asleep soon after, exhausted from the day's travels so Erik carefully carried him into his room and set him down in the bed. He tucked his son in before pressing a kiss against his forehead.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you my son, I will be now." Erik promised.

Careful not to wake his sleeping son, Erik silently crept out of the room and into the one he was sharing with his husband. After stripping to nothing but his boxers and undershirt, Erik clambered into bed beside Charles.

"How'd it go?" Charles asked.

"How long have you known?" Erik commented, ignoring his husband's question.

Charles knew exactly what he was talking about. He smiled softly then responded "I suspected ever since I first met Peter however I didn't know for sure until a few days ago."

Erik pulled Charles into a hug and stated "I had an idea but I didn't want to get my hopes up in case I was wrong."

Charles nodded and held his husband tightly "and now you know the real reason why Peter was desperate for you to come on this roadtrip - so he could tell you the truth."

Erik gasped "now it makes so much more sense."

Charles chuckled then pressed a soft kiss against Erik's lips. He moved one hand so that it was cupping Erik's jaw while the other resting in Erik's hair. Erik smiled goofily then deepened the kiss.

"Thank you Charles." He mumbled when they had broken apart to catch his breath.

"It's my pleasure Erik, you know I'd do anything for you." Charles responded, giving Erik a peck on the lips.

"I am so lucky to have you, I don't know what I'd do without you." Erik murmured, burying his head in the crook of Charles' neck.

"I'm lucky to have you too darling, you'll always have me don't worry." Charles smiled, stroking through Erik's hair.

"I know." Was Erik's muffled response.

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