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I woke up to banging on the door niall and I both meeting in the hallway in a state of confusion and panic. He rush in front of me to open it.
Jared stormed in "Emily why haven't you answered me!"

"You know exactly why."

"We need to talk." Stepping closer to me

"No we don't Jared. I saw what I saw."

Jared went to take another step but
Niall stepped in front of him. In a serious tone I've yet to hear from him "She doesn't want to talk."

"Emily!" jared gave me a serious look.

"Fine downstairs." I walked ahead of him.

He followed "So what now!" In a harsh tone

"Jared you were kissing another girl!your hand was down her pants!"

He swiped his hands down his face "I was drunk it was a mistake."

"I drink all the time I don't go around hooking up with guys."

"So that's it? all these years and one time I drink to much and fuck up it's over seriously? did this relationship mean nothing to you?

"Jared you messed up in the past and now I don't even know if I should believe you about the other times people told me you were doing Shit."

"Seriously we got over that and the shit you heard from people were lying"

"Were they Jared." I crossed my arms

he stepped closer to me "are you calling me a fucking liar."

I don't know what to believe Jared."

"I thought you loved me? you trust your loved ones."

"I do love you Jared but last night seeing that hurt. I don't know how to be okay with it.

"It was a fucking mistake one mistake since high school." He grabbed my arm "you can't leave me over a stupid drunk mistake."

"Ouch! stop that hurts let go!" I tried yanking my arm away

"Are you breaking up with me"

"I don't know I need to think."

Smack. I grabbed my cheek holding it frozen.

The door flew open niall grabbing Jared by his shirt shoving him against the wall knocking glasses over. The sound of glass shattering echoed the room

"Oh my god!" I yelled in shock

"Did You just Fucking hit her?" Niall asked holding jared by the shirt

Jared looked at me then niall "no."

Niall looked at me "no he didn't hit me."

Jared smirked "we are just having a little fight."

Niall huffed "you need to fucking leave now." Throwing him towards the door.

Jared looking at me angry "You're going to let him do that to me emily. I knew you were fucking him that's why you breaking up with me" storming out.

I pushed Niall "I told you to stay out of my business."

"I heard him hit you why the fuck did you lie about it."

"It's not your fucking business." Heading upstairs because i felt like I was going to loose it any minute

"Well im telling your father."

I whipped around " uh no you're not."

"I broke the glasses he's going to want to know how."

"Just say I did it."

I stayed in my room the rest of the day and into the night. Crying and trying to figure out how I'm going to be okay. And we'll the conclusion I came up with is I'm not.

The next day

My dad texted me he was in his office I headed down knowing he was going to give me an ear full about breaking glasses.

He smiled "Hey sweetie."

"Hi" I answered confused. "Why are you happy?"

"I was talking to Jessica about a family vacation.. she was thinking Hawaii. Which if I remember a place you've always wanted to visit.

Yelped "actually!"

"Yes actually we are looking at dates to go. I'll let you more when we have the details worked out.

"Is that all?"

"Yes you're free to go."

I paused "wait aren't you upset about the glasses breaking?"

He looked at me confused "the ones Niall broke? Oh no he offered to pay for them but it was an accident plus we need new ones anyways."

I looked at him confused "oh ok"
My dad getting up "well I'm off to go meet Jess for a late lunch just had to deal with a few things here and tell you the good news.
He walked over kissing my head goodbye

I walked towards Niall "why didn't you tell him it was my fault?"

"Technically I did break them." he shrugged.

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