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I was packing for vacation. When I realized Niall was packing as well. "Visiting home?" I asked

"No going to Hawaii with you guys."

"You're what." I deadpanned

"I thought you knew."

I groaned "why are you suddenly apart of the family?"

"It was a free vacation to Hawaii of course im going to take it."

"Im starting to think you're my dads secret son."

"That would be weird. considering I've seen you check me out when I'm getting out of the shower."

I furrowed my eyebrow "I do not."

He tilted his head "Bullshit I keep my eyes in the same place when I don't have a towel wrapped around me."

I fake chuckle "Keep telling yourself that champ." I pat his shoulder.

It was 5am I woke up literally 10 mins ago to Niall non stop knocking on my bedroom door. I'm surprised he didn't get splinters.

"Get up we have to get to the airport your dad is already on his flight."

"Okay keep it down I groan no need to rush."

We get to my car I climbed into the passenger seat. "Oh so now you're letting me drive" Niall spoke getting into the driver seat

"You're welcome." I spoke with my eyes still closed.

"Sleep tight princess" he spoke annoyed.

"Wakey wakey sleepy beauty were here." he spoke getting out and slamming the door. Jerk.

I got out grabbing my suitcase and following Niall. Once we got to our gate I sat with my hood over my face trying to stay in a sleep state so I can sleep on the plane. But it was no use I was a wake.

I hear Niall leave and come back when I look over to him he has a Starbucks coffee in his hands

"I thought you said it was rude to not ask if someone wants coffee."

"oops" he says taking a sip

I grunted getting up and getting myself coffee

I grabbed a magazine for the plane ride putting it into my tote.

I sat back down next to night "My dad and Jess both said your a nice guy but your an ass you know."

He hummed "frank mentioned you were this sweet little angel but yet you're just a spoiled brat." shrugging

I moved away from him. Pulling out my book. When I looked up Niall was full on flirting with a flight attendant. I swear he flirts with any woman with a heartbeat.

'Boarding flight 36b for Hawaii'

Getting up and getting on board. Of course my dad book our seats next to each other. And Guess which flight attendant is on the plane. ding ding ding the one Niall's been flirting with all morning.

I pull out my magazine reading celebrity drama. To distract myself from the man sitting next to me.

"You know it's all fake right?" niall spoke

"Ok so are movies but they are entertaining no?"

"Yeah but these are peoples actual lives they make lies about. It's pretty fucked up."

I closed the magazine putting my headphones in and closing my eyes. Did he really have to go and ruin a simple magazine for me.

I woke up realizing my head is on nialls shoulder and his is on my head. It felt weird but I was comfortable so whatever. I start to drift back off to sleep when the plane started to shaking. hitting Turbulence I jumped grabbing what I thought would be the arm rest but instead it was nialls arm.

He's other hand rubbed my arm "you alright? It was just a bit of of turbulence." Trying to sooth me.

"Yeah I'm good I wasn't expecting it."That's all quickly letting go.

We landed thank god.

We get to the hotel we have a villa  type. It was pretty fancy definitely something my dad splurged on.

I remember him taking me to Disney. we didn't have a lot of money at the time but he wanted to give me the world we drove down not even having enough money for a hotel so we slept in the car at a Walmart. Best trip of my life.

We meet my dad in the room he asks us how the flight was

I said "a bit bumpy but good." Walking into a bedroom Then walking out saying "there's a 3rd bedroom right?"

My dad sighing "I messed up I thought when it said 3 beds it assumed 3 bedrooms"

"I'm not sleeping in the same room as your stupid long lost son."

Niall smiled "it's fine I can take the couch"

"Are you sure?" My dad scratched the back of his neck "milly..." he looked at me

"Absolutely I can hear Emily snoring from my room I can't imagine what it sounds like being in the same room." My dad and naill both laughing

I scoffed "I don't snore."

He smiled "must be our other roommate."

My dad laughing "she's still snoring?she had got her tonsils taking out to help her stop snoring so loud. She was on an ice cream diet for weeks."

I cross my arms. "Didn't realize this was the gang up on Emily trip"

My dad said "Aww no Emily" kissing the top of my head.

Niall smiled "I'm just joking. thank you again for letting me tag along."

"No problem." my dad spoke "You're my best employee."

I scoffed

Niall said "aw" putting his hand on his heart.

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