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Harry and Louis were around. I've come use to them hang around. They are actually both pretty good company.

Harry is definitely more flirty now that I'm single but nothing seems serious just light and playful.

I finished serving a table.

Harry wrapped his arm around my waist as I was walking by "So how's single life going for you?" Pulling me to sit down on his lap.

I wrapped my arm behind his neck. "It's good I think I like it better then being in a relationship."

"Yeah I bet that guy seemed like a total tool. How long were you together again?"

"High school He was my first real boyfriend"

Harry gasped "was he the first guy you slept with?"

"One and only" I laughed.

He's eyes shot up "really?"

"Yep" I pooped my p

"Was he at least good in bed? I mean why else would you stay with him."

I laugh "looking back no but I also don't have anyone to compare it with."

"What a waste of time" he shook his head. "You're fucking gorgeous and should be treated well."

"Hmm is this you trying to get me to sleep with you and Louis"

He face palmed with his huge smile "Niall told ya huh?"

I nodded

"Well if you wanna have a fun time.." he moved the stray hairs from my face "we both think your fucking hot."

I laugh "do you?"

"Oh yeah Louis" he look over at Louis "come here lou." He walked over standing close to me "tell emily how hot we think she is."

Before he could answer niall shouted "oi Emily it's fucking packed get back behind the bar."

I sighed "well my asshole manger is calling best get back to work."

Harry smiled "it's on the table whenever."

I smiled and went back to work. Shaking my head

Could I actually..? No I could Jesus no. I'm not experiencing what so ever. I would probably just annoy them or make it completely awkward.

I was making drinks. My hands moving faster then my brain at this point.

Terry in the corner our regular who comes in here and drinks until his past his limit is in here tonight.

He was trying to order another drink. "Terry I'm sorry but I gotta cut you off tonight."

"Aww come on im not *hiccup* that drunk just one more"

"Im sorry you and I both know if I don't cut you off I'll get an ear full from my dad that the EMT came in here tonight for you."

He groaned "fine."

"Do you want me to call your brother to come pick you up?"


I turned around pulling out my phone calling his brother who I now have saved in my contact for him.

When I turned back around niall was about to hand him a drink

"Hey terry no"

He quickly drank it

"Niall come on look at him past the limit he's cut off."

Niall looked like a deer in headlights. Like he was caught giving a baby candy. "Terry you're getting me in trouble now come on."

Terry smiled "he just helping an old man like me enjoy the night don't get upset with him."

I rolled my eyes "no more. You're brother is on his way"

Terry gave me a thumbs up.

The night went on

Harry flirting a little more than normal but it's probably the alcohol.

He was standing by the pool table when he put his hand out on the my stomach. He's other hand grabbing my pony tail pulling my head back. Mumbling "did I tell you how good you look tonight?"

I laughed moving out of his hood "yes you did pretty much every time you stopped me tonight."

"You didn't tell me what you think about me."

"I think you're attractive and drunk." I smiled

He ignored the drunk part "and Louis what do you think of him."

"Louis is also attractive. you two really make a hot couple."

"come home with us tonight."

I laughed "not tonight your drunk." Patting his chest.

He smiled "that's not a no. I'll take it."

Niall walked over crossing his arms "Harry mate let the girl work yeah?"

After the night ended and naill and I were sat on the barstools.

"Harry was flirting with you a lot tonight." He spoke before drinking his beer.

"He was" I laughed "he was a bit drunk though I don't think he was serious."

He looked at me "oh he was serious."

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