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The night ended niall and I finished cleaning up the bar. I made myself another drink I had one when I was cleaning now.

Niall poured himself a beer sitting a few barstools down from me.

"You alright?" He asked

"Yeah just tired." I sighed laying my head down on my arms.

"Hmm I get that but like how are you actually like the whole break up thing."

"You wanna grab a pint of ice cream and hear me blab about my feelings niall.."

"I was just asking."

I sighed knowing I came off like a bitch. "Gia thinks I need to live a little and hook up with people and Jen thinks I should work on myself So I can find a better relationship."

Niall sighed "who says you can't do both? find a guy that's decent go on a few dates hook up move on?"

"Is that what you do niall?" I laughed

"Yeah that is actually what I do."

I nodded taking a sip of my drink "do you have any cute friends niall? How about Harry?"

"Harry?" he laughed

"Yeah he's sweet and he's attractive." I laughed

"You realize Harry and Louis are like a thing right?"

"Like a couple?" I asked confused

"Yeah" he answered like it was a no brainer

"Wait but I saw Harry flirting with a girl at the party.."

Niall laughed "they have 3 sums Emily."

I cupped my my mouth "oh my god Harry called Louis over." I spoke making the realization

"Yeah it's their thing i don't question it." he smiled putting his hands up.

"I am speechless."

"Yeah so heads up on that. Harry will try to pull you in now that your single."

I laughed "maybe" I shrugged

niall laughed looking at me shaking his head.

"What maybe I'll actually finish." cupping my mouth realizing I shouldn't have said that.
Im drunk Oh my god

Niall laughing "wait wait you're telling me your ex didn't finish you?"

I stayed quiet

"Come on em you already spilled you cant pull back now."

"I'm drunk niall I didn't mean to say that." covering my face

"Well that's shit. why did you stay for so long?"


"If love means not finishing I'm going to stop looking."

I choked while taking a drink. We both laughed before letting it die out.
"Have you ever been in love?" I asked putting my head back down looking in his direction

"I think so or I guess I thought so I fall easily if I get to know someone but that's always get me hurt so I learned not to get attached."

I nodded "Ahh hence the hook ups."

"Bingo" he laughed drinking his beer "Do you still love him?"

I sighed "yeah some days I wish I could just go back and stop what he did before it happened."

"You realize he probably cheated before he had the guts to do it with you at the same party."

I sighed

Niall putting his hands up "Im just saying"

"I love him though. I put my face down

"Has he hit you before?"

"Niall" I sighed

"I'm just saying you keep saying you love him. what did you love getting talked down to? Getting hit?"

"Ok we're done." I stood up "You're an asshole."

"What so I'm an asshole for stating out fact but he can get off scot free."

"Fuck you niall." I went towards the stairs.

"Another night of you crying wowie what a treat." He said sarcastically

I turned and looked at him. "Sleep down here then" locking the door behind me.

He knocked on the door "Emily that's not funny open the door."

I continued going to my room. More knocking "Emily open the door."

Next day
I got up showered. Heading out to get Starbucks. When I walked into the bar niall jumped up from one of the bench seats I completely forgot I locked the door last night.

I snicker to myself. Seeing he looks annoyed

"Emily that wasn't cool of you. I slept down here all night"

I put my sunglasses on "seems like a you problem." Walking to my car. I went to Starbucks then the bookstore ever since breaking up for Jared I've been on a book binge needing to distract myself.

After I ended up meeting Jen for lunch and talking to her for hours. I told her about Niall and she agrees he's an ass but for some reason said that it sounds like he cares.

Im done letting people thinking they can talk down to me. I've dealt with it for to long.

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