Chapter 1

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Bangkok, Thailand

Author's POV

The smell of alcohol, coloured lights and the loud music tingling every sense of her body. Even though she is used to it, the sight of the night club still hurting her eyes

A girl leaning her body on the cold wall, a cigarette stuck between her fingers before blowing another smoke as she stare at the sight of people dancing wildly

"Becky..."A whispered coming from her right side

"That guy, in a black attire is looking for you"The smaller girl said making Becky's lips curve into a small smirk

"Did you ask him how much?"Becky asked and looked at the girl beside her

"I haven't ask him yet but he have been eyeing you since earlier Bec.."

"Oh I hope it's not another cheapskate"Becky muttered

"He wants to talk directly to you, he seems like a rich guy. Good luck girl"She said as Becky chuckled as a response

"Maybe it's my lucky night, thanks Song. See you tomorrow night"Becky said smiling as her eyes fixed on the tall guy staring at herself from afar

Becky stepped on the cigarette as she deliberately pulling down a bit the zipper of her outfit, showing her sexy cleavage before walking towards him in the most seductive ways

"Hey sexy.."He greeted as his eyes went down to the woman's body

Eyeing the girl like a prey as he slightly biting his lower lips before pulling her waist closer. Their body touched as Becky's hands resting on his chest

The sensual tension between them slowly building up, his hands already roaming around her body. They never break the eye contact, he slowly letting out his heavy breath, couldn't wait to devour the girl infront of him

"Ops not so fast.."Becky spoke after he started leaning towards her neck stopping his action. He chuckled before pulling out a pile of cash, Becky smiled with the sight before quickly taking it

"1000$ for a night, hows that sounds?"He asked tilting his head with a smirk on his face

"Sounds like a great deal to me..."Becky whispered, trailing her hands around his broad shoulders before pulling his tie as they continue their night

The night goes on, the amount of people drinking, making out and dancing increasingly filling the place. Everyone having fun with each other's company immediately forgetting every problem that have been lingering in their mind

After the long night, a car stopped by a house as the girl slowly getting off the car, not forgetting to pay for the ride. The front door opened making the lights turn on, immediately after that, she flopped herself on the couch

"My body fuck..."Becky slightly groaned in pain, she close her eyes for a moment hoping to ease the tiredness on her body

Her eyes went towards the black hand bag as she reached out before taking the money. Counting one by one again making sure nothing left behind as her mouth curve into a smile

"I can survive for another month with this.."Becky muttered smiling

Becky stood up from the couch as she makes her way towards the master bedroom. Opening the drawer as she pulled out the small box, filling another pile of money inside

"Hmm what else? Oh house's rent"Becky mumbled to herself as she put some money on the white envelope before closing the drawer

She slowly stripping herself making the clothes fall on the floor, her feet brought her to the bathroom before filling the bath with water

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