Chapter 18

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Author's POV

"Freen you didn't even tell me where are we going"

"You will know later"

Freen replied, eyes focusing on the road with a small smiled on her face, Becky huffed in response. She have been trying to force Freen to tell her about their plan for today but it seems like its not working at all

Her eyes went towards the beautiful scenery of the beach and mountains, it was far from the busy Bangkok city and it's definitely calmer for Becky after a hectic work she had

After a while, Becky can see a small house on the side as Freen slowly slowing down her car. Becky confusedly look at her lover as soon as the car stopped

"We are here"Freen said, looking at Becky

"Here? Who are we meeting Freen? You need to tell me!"Becky started to get impatient but Freen just chuckled before opening the door

Becky madly looked at the girl, walking towards her side before opening the door for her, the younger girl crossed her arms looking away from Freen

"I'm not getting out if you didn't tell me"Becky sternly said, in the verge of sulking

"Don't be like that, my mom is waiting Becky.."

The words making Becky's eyes widen, did she heard it right?

"What?! Your mom?!"Becky freaked out while Freen already laughing hard

"Oh my god Freen! Stop laughing! Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Becky slapped her shoulder, hard enough for Freen to groan in pain. The younger girl already panicked on her seat, looking at the mirror making sure she looks fine

"Come on, you look pretty already—"

"Shut up!"

Freen immediately shut her mouth, looking at Becky before letting out a small sighed. Its too late to regret it right?

After a while, they got out of the car. Becky tightly holding Freen's hand, her heart gonna burst out in any second because of how nervous she feel right now

"Freen, what should I say?"

"You don't need to say anything"

Freen replied and thats when the door suddenly opened without them knocking on it

The older woman stunned looking at the two figure infront of her, Freen already having her big smile on her face as Becky can see the eyes of the woman change in a second after looking at her

And the next thing she knew, a pair of arms wrapped tightly around her

Becky's POV

Immediately after that, I can feel the hug tightened. I honestly didn't know what to do or how should I react. All I do is responding to the hug

I can see the atmosphere change as soon as I look at her mother's eyes. Her eyes is teary and I know what's the reason

I let out a small awkward smiled as her mother still haven't spoken a words to me nor Freen and her eyes didn't even left mine at all

She must be seeing someone she miss the most


"H-Hello maam.."I greet her politely, bowing my head

My eyes went towards Freen and I can see how her emotion change, she just look at us and smiled. She's probably already planning this without me knowing

I don't know what to do

Mrs Chankimha still haven't responded to me, instead what she did next stunned me up

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