Chapter 12

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Author's POV

A week has passed since the conversation they had that day, Becky have been trying her best to get Freen's heart like she wanted

She would send a text every single day or a random visit to Freen's restaurant and it seems like Freen didn't push her away

It looks like a green light for Becky to do more

Today is another day of shooting on the set, Becky sat on the chair after finishing her scene and looked at the messages she sent to Freen this morning

There's no reply at all and it leave Becky in confusion because Freen would at least open the message

"Where is she..?"Becky muttered before suddenly feeling a tap on her right shoulder

"Hey"Nam came, sitting beside the actress

"Nam, today is a day off for Freen right?"Becky asked and the older girl nodded her head

"Today is sunday so the restaurant is closed, why?"

"Oh...nothing. It's just Freen didn't even open my message today. It's already evening, she couldn't be sleeping right?"

"Freen is not the type to sleep at this hour...she's probably busy.."Nam replied to the worried Becky

But the answer still didn't satisfy her

"She will at least seen it.."Becky muttered, slightly pouted her lips thinking that Freen probably ignored her in purpose

"Oh wait a minute, what's the date today?"Nam suddenly asked

"April 5, why?"Becky asked and Nam let out a small sighed looking at the younger girl

"Dont bother her for today Becky"Nam spoked

"But why?"

"Today is Rebecca's birthday"

And it suddenly hit Becky hard

So thats the reason behind the sudden disappearance? Becky didn't know how or what to feel at this moment

But one thing she knows, Freen is not okay right now

"Becky get ready for your next scene"The staff suddenly approached her, waking up Becky from her deep thoughts

"Becky? Remember what I said okay?"Nam spoked and Becky nodded her head slowly

The manager stood up, wanting to settle some work leaving Becky alone before her fellow actress came to the scene

"Are you okay?"Engfa asked, taking a seat next to Becky

"I'm okay Engfa.."

"It seems the know you can always reach out to me right?"Engfa asked, patting Becky's lap

"Engfa...I'm really fine, you dont need to be worried about me okay? Have you memorize your script?"Becky lied, changing the topic earning a little chuckled from the older girl

"Changing the topic huh? I already did Becky..."

"Do you want to hang out by the way? Its been a keep rejecting my offers, I'm hurt ouch"Engfa pretend to get hurt, holding onto her chest while Becky immediately laugh and push her shoulder

"Drama queen...sure, lets have a dinner together this weekend"

Becky feel guilty for keep rejecting her offers to hang out together, she have been spending time with Freen for this past few days and a little dinner with Engfa wouldn't hurt

"Nice, I will pick you up"Engfa winked, getting up from her chair before getting ready for their next scene but then she stopped for a moment

"By the way, you know that we are going to shoot in Chiang Mai next week right?"

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