Chapter 10

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3 years ago

Tokyo, Japan

23 January 2021

Author's POV

"Lets give a round of applause to Chef Freen Sarocha Chakimha!"

The people clapped their hands as the hall echo with the sound of people cheering, Freen bowed her head down with a wide smiled on her face

This is the moment she realised that everything she worked hard for really paid off, everyone started to greet her one by one as soon as she stepped her feet down the stage

"Chef Freen I really love your food! I hope you can at least open a restaurant here in Japan, I will definitely be the regular"He said as Freen just smiled as a response

"I might need to ask my partner first about it Mr Ryoshi but I will really think about the idea"Freen response politely

She couldn't be happier than what she had now, getting the award is already a big achievement for her throughout her career

But without the girl she have been thinking off, Freen wont be here right now

After the event ended, Freen grabbed all her things before walking out of room but then a girl suddenly come running towards her


"Rebecca dont run! You gonna fall—"

Before Freen could finish her words, the girl jumped in her arms, hugging her neck tightly making Freen slightly took a step back

"Congratulations baby! I'm so proud of youuu"Rebecca squeezed her as Freen laughed before responding to the hug

"Thank you baby, I won't be here if its not because of you.."Freen replied as they pulled away from the hug

Freen's hands wrapped around her waist as their eyes met, Rebecca cupped her cheeks giving a small kiss on Freen's forehead

Freen smiled with the contact

"You were not there earlier, I was looking for you when I was on the stage"Freen slightly pouted her lips making Rebecca giggled

"I was not invited"

"Lies, you are invited but you just don't want to face  the people there...I know you too well Rebecca come on"

Rebecca laughed as she wrapped her arms around Freen's neck before slightly pull the girl closer. The taller girl peck her lips, gazing intently towards each other

"Let's celebrate tonight.."Rebecca said looking down on Freen's lips before going up to her eyes

"Mhm what should we do?"Freen slightly let out a small smirk as Rebecca pinched her nose

"Pervert"Rebecca giggled as Freen chuckled as a response

"I miss your cooking, can you cook for me once we are back to Thailand?"Freen asked

"You are a better cook than I am"

"No you are, you top every class back then and you are Madam Jun's favourite student"

"Oh my god babe! Stop remind me of that!"

Rebecca laughed, slapping Freen's shoulder

"Whattt? Am I wrong??"Freen asked, Rebecca shook her head before pulling away from the girl

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