Chapter 5

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Becky's POV

Today is a big day for me, meeting a new people again, new surrounding and a new role. I sat on the chair looking at the script I just got

I never imagined to play in a GL series all my life, it was kinda shocking for me as soon as I knew about the role that I got

But why not trying something new right?

My eyes went towards the woman infront of me, she's the one who will be playing as my partner in the series

Engfa Waraha

"Becky you alright with that?"Her voice woken me up from my deep thought as I slightly startled

Oh Becky that's not a good first impression

"Ah y-yes, I'm alright sorry I was kinda lost in my thoughts"I replied chuckling a bit and she just smiled before passing me a bottle of water

"Its okay, I understand its your first time playing in this kind of role but I'm sure you will nailed it. I watched your series before"

"Thank you..."I replied awkwardly

Gosh why is she so nice? I dont actually know how to talk to her or have a conversation with her. How do I handle this?

I never had a girl partner in a series!

I don't really know how to act around her

Fuck this gonna be so hard for me but the more I look at her, the more I realise how pretty she is. Engfa is taller and older than me, I don't mind about that but what I'm worried the most

Can I really build a chemistry with her?

"Becky you remember that after this we have a workshop together right?"Engfa asked as I looked at her

"Ah yes I remembered, the director wanted to meet with all the cast later. I think we have about an hour before that"I replied looking at the time

Damn it's already 8 pm?

"Do you wanna have a dinner with me?"

My head turned towards her after hearing her request, I slightly clear my throat didn't expect that she would asked me that

We just met today and obviously I'm still trying to process things

"R-Right now?"I stuttered and she nodded her head

"Yes if you don't mind, I would like to get to know more about you.."Engfa smiled

Maybe thats a good idea for us, I need to get to know about her too since we will be working together. Okay Becky this is right, you can do this

"Okay sure, lets have a dinner"I said and she smiled began to stand up from her seat, offering her hand towards me

"Let's go"Engfa spoked

My mind suddenly drifted away, why did I suddenly thought about Freen?

Oh my god this is messed up

Speaking about Freen, after that day we haven't contact each other at all. Its been a week since then and I beginning to wonder what's wrong with us

Or should I say what's wrong with me

Her presence started to give a small impact to me, without her I won't be able to be here right now. I don't know whether its my mind or my feelings

But I started to miss her

I miss how she would support me and how she would always be by my side everywhere I go. I started depending on her before Nam become my manager

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