Chapter 4

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Author's POV

"Becky this is Nam your new manager"

"Holy shit you are so pretty"

Freen slightly nudged the shorter girl making Nam laugh awkwardly after realising her reaction. Becky let out a small chuckle

"Thank you"Becky shyly replied

"I'm sorry, Nam is a little straightforward"Freen spoked as the other girl furrowed her eyebrows

"Stop it, you make it sounds like I am too much"Nam said as her eyes turn towards Becky and slightly smiled

"Please don't be shy with me, you can talk comfortably, I don't mind at all and also we gonna work together after this. I will do my best!"Nam said as she bowed her head down like a newbie to her boss

Well in fact, Nam is still a newbie to this entertainment industry compared to Becky who can be considered as a 'senior' despite her being a lot younger than Nam

"Thank you, I would love to work with you! Shall we all have a lunch together?"Becky asked turning her heas towards Freen who have been looking at her phone

"Oh I'm sorry I cant join, I need to go to the restaurant.."Freen spoked as she started taking her bag making Becky confusedly looking at her

"Is everything okay Freen?"

"Yes, dont worry. Becky you will be with Nam alright? You will be okay right?"Freen asked and Becky nodded her head

"Dont worry Freen, I will take care of her.."Nam wrapped her arm around the younger girl's

Freen furrowed her eyebrows as she slightly pulled Becky away from Nam

"Don't do anything stupid Nam, I'm warning you"Freen muttered

Becky letting out a small laughed, Freen really look so protective right now. She didn't expect to see this kind of side from the girl

"Hey, you are making me sound bad! I'm not that kind of person okay? Shoooo just go, Becky is my artist now.."Nam spoked, pushing Freen out of the building

"Remember what I said! Take care of Becky!"Freen yelled for the last time before disappearing from their sight

Now, it just Becky and Nam. Its the first time for Becky stepping her feet inside the new entertainment agency she will be working under

New people

New surrounding

It's enough for her, she wanted to let the past stay behind. Becky wanted to start a new life and
as a new actress again, she didn't want to repeat the same mistake again

A mistake that turn her life upside down


"H-Huh yes?"

"Are you okay? I have been calling for you"Nam said, looking at the younger girl but Becky quickly shook her head and smiled

"I'm okay, I'm just thinking about something"

"Oh about Freen?"Nam teased

"Not her come on"Becky laughed as they began sitting on the table

"Freen seems so fond to you"Nam take a sip of the water

"Maybe because I look like Rebecca"

"Wait, you already knew about Rebecca?"

Becky nodded her head, she didn't know how or what to feel about it

"Last night, she confessed everything to me about Rebecca. I'm speechless after seeing the picture, I can't believe how identical me and her.."

"Me too, I was so suprised when I saw you face to face, you look exactly like Rebecca"Nam replied as she tap her fingers on the table

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