Chapter 13

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Author's POV


Her body slightly jolted in suprise feeling the sudden presence sitting beside her. Becky turn towards the taller girl and let out a small smiled

"What are you staring at?"

"The view, its pretty"Becky replied, looking at the beach infront of her

Engfa chuckled, sitting down just beside the younger girl untill their shoulders touched. It gets quiet all of sudden, both are enjoying the beautiful view infront of them

They already arrived to their new shooting place in Chiang Mai since yesterday. After the unexpected kissed between Becky and Freen happened, Becky have been avoiding the older girl since then

Because the word Freen blurted out still lingering fresh in her mind

"You know what?"Engfa break the silence

"Hm? What is it?"

"There's a lot of things going on inside your mind right?"

Becky turn her head towards her, kinda stunned with the question. She let out a small fake smiled while shaking her head, lying straight infront of Engfa's face

"No, who said that?"Becky spoked

"Your face couldn't lie Becky"Engfa said and thats when Becky feel down all of sudden

It's true

There's a lot of things going on inside her mind

"Your words can lie to me but not your expression"Engfa spoked and Becky looked down on the white sand

"I'm sorry.."Becky suddenly apologised, Engfa let out a small smiled turning her gaze towards the younger girl

Their eyes met

"If you want to share anything with me, I'm all ears for you know that right?"

"I know..."

"Mind to share then?"Engfa asked

"I'm just worried about what will happen if our series failed. People still don't accept me Engfa..."Becky took a deep breath

She didn't lie about that, the series will be aired in a two months and Becky couldn't help but to feel worried about what will happened

Especially when people still see her as the Becky Armstrong who suddenly disappeared after the leaked video of her and the guy she hated the most

"Thats what you have been thinking about?"Engfa asked, Becky nodded her slowly

"I trusted you Becky, dont listen to what people said. I know how much it affect you but remember, you are not alone"Engfa muttered, her hand remove the strand of Becky's hair covering the pretty face

Becky slowly feels calm again, she admit that she need to hear those words. The words that will bring her back from falling again

"Dont be sad now, lets go"Engfa said, removing her cap before putting it on Becky's head

The younger girl confusedly looking up, looking at Engfa's hand as she slowly took it. Engfa pulled her up as they began walking together, hand to hand

"Lets have a dinner together after this, we still a few shoot left for tonight"Engfa smiled, tightening their hands

"O-Okay.."Becky replied, looking at their hands together

For some reason, Becky feels comfortable again. After letting out some of her unspoken feelings to Engfa, she feels a few burden off her shoulders

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