Chapter 7

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2 years ago

Hat Yai, Thailand

Author's POV

"For the success of us! Drink up everyone!"He shouted, raising the glass as everyone cheered

Becky chuckled, leaning her body on the chair having her eyes closed, she didn't even touched the drink infront of her

"Becky you alright? You didn't touch your drink at all.."

"I'm kind of tired and sleepy Mew, can I go back to the hotel?"

"We just got here Becky...drink a bit at least"Mew said pushing the glass towards her

The girl refused, shaking her head

"I'm really not in the mood for come you are not tired? We just finished the fan meeting"Becky spoked looking at the guy beside her

"I'm not weak like you"Mew replied, playfully pinching the younger girl's nose making Becky pushed his hand away whining

"Stop that!"

"Hahaha okay, let's get back to the hotel after this but first, finish your drink. Its just one glass Becky"Mew spoked taking the glasses handing it towards Becky

Having no other choice, Becky took the glasses. One drink wont hurt right? She looked around, looking at all the team happily drinking celebrating the success of their series

A huge success to be exact since they just won series of the year, Becky smiled remembering the moment and all thanks to the chemistry between her and Mew, her partner

People are loving them

"Fine..gosh"Becky spoked, before drinking it in one shot. She slightly furrowed her eyebrows with the taste, Becky never been a fan of alcohol before

"Nice shot.."Mew replied, his eyes went towards the girl beside him and smiled

Becky let out a small smiled, leaning her head on the man's broad shoulder, having her eyes close. Everyone have been shipping them since the day they start working together, with how much chemistry they have

On screen and off screen

Even though people are shipping them, Becky knew whatever relationship they had are no more than sister and brother. Mew is 5 years older than her and Becky have been depending so much on him

But Mew doesn't feel the same

"Becky you okay?"Mew whispered, noticing Becky started to fall asleep

"My head hurts...I feel like I'm gonna passed out fuck.."

"Okay, let me send you to your room, you are not okay right now"

Mew immediately hold onto her, excusing themselves while everyone understood. Becky couldn't even walked properly now, she can feel the world around her spinning

Soon, Becky's back hit the soft mattress. The younger girl groaned, didn't like the feeling she have right now

"Mew...I don't feel good.."

"You are alright Becky.."


Becky opened her eyes, seeing the guy on top of her, despite her state right now, Becky still can think properly

"Mew what are you doing..?"Becky pushed his body but Mew didn't even move

"Becky..why? Why did you do that?"Mew asked half whispered as he started leaning closer towards Becky

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