Chapter 6

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Author's POV

The first thing came into Becky's mind was how did she get home last night. She still stuck on the bed, staring at the empty space, didn't have any energy to get up from the bed due to her hangover

"How did I ended up here...?"

"Did I went home by myself?"

"Oh there's no way that happened..."

Becky mumbled to herself, the headache getting worst making the girl groaned in pain. Burrying her face on the pillow closing her eyes

A strange sound could be heard as she quickly lifted her head up, panicking and scared for whatever is it. Becky slowly get up from the bed, getting the nearest thing she could grab to protect herself

And yes she grab a pillow instead

"The fuck was that.."Becky muttered, her hands started to tremble as she slowly opened the door of her bedroom

Peeking her head first, looking from left to right as the gripped on the pillow tightened. The hangover from last night quickly washed away because of how scared she felt right now

The sounds started to come again, Becky cursed under her breath regretting her decision now. It's definitely coming from her kitchen

Slowly walking towards the direction, the pillow on her hand already above her shoulder, ready to hit to whatever coming

And the next thing happened, Becky screamed after seeing a figure at her kitchen and the pillow met straight towards the face of the person standing there

"AHHHHHHH!"Becky keep hitting the person, closing her eyes hitting harder every single time


Becky stopped after hearing the familiar voice, opening her eyes and gasped after seeing the sight of Freen, holding an empty glass, her face and shirt are wet now

All because of Becky

"Oh my god! Freen! I'm so sorry!"Becky apologised, putting the pillow down as she quickly went towards Freen, wiping the older girl's face with her own hands while panicking

Freen on the other hand letting out a small sighed, closing her eyes for a moment while Becky keep wiping the water away

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know it was you!"Becky said, Freen slowly pulling Becky's hands down from her face, stopping Becky action

"I cooked breakfast and a soup for your it"

Freen spoked, letting go Becky's hands before walking passed her. Becky still stunned with what just happened as she turn her head around, seeing Freen getting inside the bathroom


Becky definitely couldn't recalled anything from last night, how Freen ended up in her house and how did Freen knew that she is having a hangover

The girl patiently waiting for Freen to come out from the bathroom, wanting to know what actually happened last night and after a while Freen came out, holding a towel on her hands

"Freen"Becky called, the older girl stopped

"Uh how? W-What uhm.."

"You wanted to ask how I ended up here?"Freen asked after seeing Becky stuttered

The younger girl nodded her head

"I..I don't remember what happened last night...why are you here?"

"You don't remember anything Becky?"Freen asked, disappointed

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