Chapter 2

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Author's POV

The card on the table remained untouched but Becky never leave her eyes off it. Biting her lower lips as she leaned her body on the couch with a heavy sighed

Its been a week since the last encounter between them, from that night, Becky didn't be able to get a good sleep because of how much the words lingering inside her mind

"I want to help bring your name again"

Again, Becky burried her face on the pillow as she let out a frustrated scream. This is not good for her, she's been thinking about the offered for a week

But can she trust Freen?

"Does she really meant it..?"Becky muttered to herself, still doubting everything

Slowly reachinh out for her phone, Becky stare at the number on the screen, just one touch and everything will be different for her future soon

Without a second thought, the phone beeping waiting for the other line to answer. Becky fidgeting on her seat nervously

"Hello this is Freen Sarocha.."

Becky can feel her heart thumping faster


"Becky? Is that you?"

"Its me..about the thing we talked—"

"Wait, can we meet instead? Can you come to my location? I'm working right now"

"U-Uhh alright t-then"

The called ended just like that, Becky bite her lower lips as the notification popped out on the text message. Becky quickly getting ready didn't wanna waste any time

"Everything will be okay Becky.."Becky muttered, looking out of the window seating on the backseat as she keep looking at the location

After a while, the car stopped infront of the 5 star restaurant. Her mouth slightly open, amazed with the expensive building infront of her

Paying for the ride, Becky slowly pushed the door and it amazed her for another time

Freen is really working at this expensive restaurant?

Becky slightly shook her head before suddenly a man tapping her shoulder as she turn around just to meet with a suprise face from him

"U-Uh hello, I'm looking for—"

"M-Miss Becky, let me show you the way.."He suddenly spoke making Becky surprised

"You know me?"

"I do Miss.."He said, his eyes still haven't left the girl making Becky feels slightly uncomfortable with the unusual stare

Slowly following him behind, Becky sat down on the seat that he showed. He pulled the chair for her as she nodded her head thanking him

"C-Chef Freen will be here soon, do you need a-anything?"Asked him stuttered

"Oh it's okay"Becky replied and smiled

"If you need anything please let me know"He added bowing his head before quickly walked away

Becky tilted her head in confusion wondering if he recognised her too. Does she still have the impact? Thats what Becky have been thinking about

Its been a year since the last time someone recognised her and thats why, she was so suprised after Freen know who she is

She was in her deep thoughts, Becky didn't even realise the person sitting infront of her. Not untill Freen slightly tapped the table making Becky startled

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