Chapter 11

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Freen's POV

"Your address got leaked?!"

I freaked out as soon as Fay told me everything, she was hugging her legs scared with what just happened  while having her head on her knees

I knew things like this gonna happened, I couldn't help but to feel mad

"How long has it been since you realised someone is following you?"I asked

Fay slowly looking up to me, she looks hesitate at this moment

"A-About a month ago"Fay muttered

"It's been a month and you just told me now?!"I yelled right infront of her making Fay flinched with my loud voice

My heart is beating faster and I can feel the adrenaline rushing through my body. They really messing up with my sister?

Before I could continue, I feel a hand holding me back. Turning around, I saw Becky holding my arm, slightly pulling me

"Calm down Freen.."She said and somehow its calm me down

Fuck what's happening to me?

I pulled my arm away from Becky, sighing while walking back and forth. Things like this is not something that I need to take a it easy

My sister is in danger

"Let's do a police report"I said and Fay looked at me

"My company will handle it Freen..I dont want to do anything without their consent.."Fay replied and I chuckled sarcastically

"Fuck that, if they really took this seriously, they would do a police report by now. You know that I don't trust them Fay"I explained, standing infront of her

"Freen please? Just let them handle it...I'm scared"Fay looked up to me, holding my hands as I sighed loudly

"But Fay—"

"I think Fay is right"

I turn my head around to the voice, Becky move closer to me and my eyes never left her. What's make her think like that?

"Whatever happen, we still need to wait for the company to take action. We don't know what would happen if we did it...for now let's get Fay to a safe place"Becky explained

The way she explained the things make me realise how mature she is, maybe because I started to get used to her childish side

Or should I say the clingy side

I couldn't help but to agree, I was too emotional and I didn't even think properly. Fay looked down as I sat down beside her, she still having her head down

"I hate this so much...I don't feel safe anymore. Its all over the internet"Fay mumbled

"Stay with me untill I find you a new apartment"I said, Fay immediately having her head up

"You will?"

"Of course I will, you cant live her anymore Fay. I will get you a new apartment as soon as possible"I said and met with a tight hug from my sister

I slightly groaned while she hugging me tighter, Fay repeatedly thanking me. Gosh she still the same as ever

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are the best!"Fay snuggled more into me while I trying my best to push her away

"Ughh enough, let me go!"

A small laugh could be heard, Becky is looking at me with a wide smiled on her face. My cheeks suddenly went red that I quickly pushed my sister away

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