Chapter 15

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Author's POV

Becky didn't even realised how did she fell asleep right away after crying. Her head slightly spinning as soon as she stood up from the bed

"Gosh its 2 am..."Becky muttered, looking at the time

Her feet brought her out of the room just to be suprised with the sight of Freen sleeping on her couch with no blanket at all. Becky blinked her eyes as she started to walk closer to the sleeping girl

"She's still here?"

The sight of Freen suddenly making her heart aches, remembering how Freen raised her voice towards her but Becky didn't know how to feel now

Freen still hasn't moved on


Becky softly shake the girl's body, Freen immediately woke up slightly jolted in suprise when her eyes met Becky


"Sleep in my room, dont sleep right here.."Becky spoked, Freen's eyes soften, regret is all over her face as she sat up

"I'm sorry Becky..I'm sorry about what happened"Freen apologised

"I know, forget about it. Lets sleep"

The younger girl stood up but Freen quickly held her wrist, stopping Becky from walking away. Becky stopped as soon as she heard a sobbing sounds coming from Freen

"I-I shouldn't do that...I shouldn't"Freen murmured, her sobs became louder

Becky feel her heart break apart to the sound of the cries, she looked down on the crying girl before cupping Freen's cheek as she kneel down on the floor

"Don't cry Freen..."

"Do you h-hate me now Becky?"

"I could never hate you, I know you didn't mean that and I'm sorry too for not telling you sooner.."

"No no, you shouldn't apologise to me. You did nothing wrong Becky, i-its me I'm the one to blame.."Freen shook her head crying in Becky's touched

"I made you cry..I couldn't control my emotions.."

"Freen...hey listen okay?"Becky wiped her tears away, looking straight into Freen's teary eyes

"I admit, I was hurt with your action earlier but I understand your situation and I really wanted to help you getting out of it but you need to help yourself too..."

Becky paused for a moment, her thumbs slowly rubbing the wet cheeks. Freen can see the change in Becky's eyes and she knew that the younger girl will broke down anytime soon

"Try to move on Freen...thats all I ever asked for"

Her last word leave Freen breathless, she slightly taken aback with what Becky said. Freen bite her lower lips as she looks down feeling her emotions started to build up

Becky was right

She needs to move on


"Okay you don't need to say anything right now...lets get some sleep alright? We sleep together okay? Stop crying Freen"Becky trying to calm her down, Freen slowly nodded her head

They make their ways towards the bedroom, hand in hand as their body hit the soft mattress. Freen's body turn towards Becky, their eyes never left each other

Silence surrounding them and no words coming out of their mouth

"Can you hold me Becky?"Freen break the silence

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