Chapter 14

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Author's POV

"Freen.."Becky breathed out, feeling the soft pair of lips making contact with her neck and down to her now expose chest

Her body shivered under Freen's touch. Her hands grasped the long black hair, pulling Freen's head closer to her chest as their naked bodies touched

"Fuck...just take me please.."

"Beg me properly Becky"

Becky opened her eyes meeting the older girl, Freen's breath become heavier, couldn't handle the tension between them

"Please fuck me Sarocha.."Becky leaned closer to her right ear, whispering with the most slutty voice

"Fuck me like you mean it.."

Her pupils dilated as a response, Freen's mouth making their way around Becky's hard nipple. Nibbling, sucking it like a baby as Becky moaned under her

"G-God...F-Freen harder!"

"Fuck, you turn me on so much.."Freen whispered as her hand groped the left breast, squeezing and Becky squirmed around

Its been so long

Becky's crave for Freen's touch and tonight she definitely getting it

"Freen.."Becky moaned her name again, the pulsing organ between her legs are begging to be touch

Freen pulled away for a moment, looking down on the body under her, appreciating all the love marks she made and how beautiful Becky's body is

"You are so beautiful"

"So you are too.."Becky replied slightly smirking, caressing Freen's bare stomach before going up between her breast. Freen closed her eyes, timbering with the touch

"Sarocha look at me, open your eyes.."

The girl opened her eyes, Becky's hand grabbing Freen's right breast, giving a firm squeeze earning a moaned from the girl above her


"Yes thats right..moan my name"Becky whispered, biting her earlobe

Becky sit up, pulling the girl sitting on her lap closer. Her hands roamed around Freen's body as their lips collided for a hundred times tonight

Moan, grunted and heavy breathing filling the room. Freen jolted in suprise, feeling the slender fingers playing between her legs

Their lips parted away as Freen closed her eyes tightly, panting as she grabbed Becky's shoulder


"Yes honey? Its are okay.."Becky assured her while her hands doing their work, circling around the wet clit and the next thing Freen knew, Becky already sliding her fingers inside of her

"A-Ahhh! F-Fuck!"Freen groaned, moaning loudly while Becky began slowly moving her fingers

"So are so tight around me Freen.."Becky moaned with the tightness

Becky fastened her pace, watching how Freen respond to her touch. Their eyes met, Freen's breath become heavy as she put her head on Becky's shoulder

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