Chapter 8

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Author's POV

"What did I just got myself into...?"Freen muttered, leaning her head on the steering wheel with a loud sighed

The sky getting darker as she looked at the time showing it's already 8 pm, Freen are currently waiting for the two siblings buying their dinner for tonight

Lily decided to stay with Becky for a night before their parents return. Its been half an hour already and Freen couldn't stop thinking about Becky's confession earlier



"Let me help you...get over Rebecca"

Freen let out a shaky sighed, Becky still havent take her eyes off her, the determined eyes looking straight into her

It seems like Becky really serious with her decision


"What do you mean why? I like you Freen.."

"B-But oh gosh.."Freen looked away, her heart palpitating

"Why me?"

"Freen look, I can like whoever I want and the person I like happened to be you, what else I should do?"Becky replied, shrugging her shoulder and tilted her head

Freen feels speechless with Becky's bold side, she didn't know that the younger girl is really straightforward like this

"I know you are still not over Rebecca...but at the same time you can't stop me from liking you. You don't need to like me back, just let me like you is enough.."Becky replied as her eyes went towards Freen

"Becky...are you being serious right now?"

"Does it looks like I'm not? Should I kiss you to proof how much I like you?"

Becky started leaning closer as Freen quickly held her arms, panicking with Becky's sudden move

"W-Wait wait!"

"You don't trust me"

"Okay I-I trust you!"Freen stuttered looking around making sure no one saw what just happened

Both of them sat properly, keeping quiet all of sudden. Freen didn't even dare to look at Becky but its the opposite for the actress

She have been looking at Freen, everytime the older girl turn around, Becky already looking at her making Freen's head quickly look away

"C-Can you stop looking at me like that?"Freen asked gulping down her saliva

"Why?"Becky innocently asked

"Becky...oh my god.."Freen mumbled the last part

"Don't you want to? I know you never date someone after that...can you just let me help you open up your heart again?"

"Becky I need a time for that"

"Then have as much time as you want, I will wait untill you are ready to love again"Becky replied look straight into Freen's brown eyes

Freen didn't know how to feel, her mind suddenly feel blank and she was speechless on her seat. Becky looked so determined right now and its making her nervous all of sudden

At the same time, her heart are telling otherwise, Freen could still see the glimpse of her ex lover in Becky and that's making her insane

For getting into this dangerous game with the girl infront of her

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