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Maddies POV

So abby let us have a day off so all the girls decided to have a sleep over after competition.

Me and MacKenzie and Kendall went out shopping for snacks with are mom's.Kendall picked out juice and ice cream.

MacKenzie picked out rice crispy treats.And I picked out soda and more juice and burgers and hotdogs so my mom could cook it on the grill.And my mom picked out stuff for the whole house.

I texted paige and brooke to see if they were coming to the sleep over.

Me:Hey brooke are you still coming to the sleepover?

Brookie:Ummm..I think so.

Me:Well I hope u come see you at dance!

Me:Hey paige are u still coming to the sleepover??

Pagie2cute:Yea I think so I will ask my mom and tell u what she says.


I tried texting chloe but she wouldn't answer so I will ask her at dance tomorrow.

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