The Memories Of Jojo

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Mellissas POV

I Told the the girls that I will tell kelly to see Is she knows anything about Jojo.

Me:Hey kelly do you Know anything about jojos death.

Kelly:Yes why?

Me:Because Kendall and Maddie was telling me that paige and brooke killed her..

Kelly:Yea achully I was in it.. And if you tell ANYBODY I WILL KILL YOU AND MADDIE AND KENDALL!!

*I just walked away*

Maddie: did you find anything?!

Me:She said that she was in on it.

Maddie: OMG mom we have to go to the police!!

Me:NO Maddie.... She said that she will kill us if we did.

Kendall:Even me?


I was tired and exhausted so I went on the couch to take a nap.

Maddies POV

All of a sudden I heard kenzie scream.

I ran up stairs.

Me:What's wrong kenz?!

Kenzie:I see paige and brooke dragging a body bag!!!!!

I looked out the window and saw them. They dug a big hole and putted her body in the hole.

This time I was sick and tired of them acting so innocent. I decided to call the police.

Police officer:911 what you emergency?

Me:Theirs people dragging a body bag and digging a hole!!

Police officer:Ok what's the address?

Me:It's in central park hurry their still their!!

Police officer:Ok we will be there.

*I hang up*

Kenzie:Is everything going to be OK mads.

Me:Yes everything thing is gonna be just fine.
Yes finally Maddie called the police.. Will paige and brooke get arrested or just be free??

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