At Home

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Kendalls POV

So I just got home from the photo shoot it was a blast!

Suddenly I was on my I pad playing crossy road and I got a phone call from unknown.

So I answered it.

It was Josh brookies brother.

"Hey what are you doing tomorrow " said Josh.

" Well I was going to hang out with Maddie at the beach. "

" Cool! Can I come? "said Josh extremely loud.

" yea sure"

So we hanged up.

I wonder why Josh wanna come.

The next day at the beach with made and Josh.

Maddies POV

Me Kendall and Josh were at the beach in Pittsburgh.

Josh went in the water me and Kendall stayed on the sand trying to get a tan.

"I hope abby feels better after what happen to her mom " Kendall said sadly.

" Yea me too"

Josh came out of the water shivering.

Kendall got up and wrapped a towel around him staring into his blue Eyes.

Josh began to sit down on the sand.

"Hey do you guys wanna get some dough boys! "I said.

" Yea sure " Said Kendall and Josh.

So we all ran to the line.

Kendalls POV

Me Josh and Maddie was waiting in line. When a girl in front of us turned around and looked at us.

It was Autumn Miller!!

" Hey what are you guys doing here!! "Said autumn with a smile.

" Well were here to get some dough boys". Said Maddie.

Finally we got up to the counter autumn was talking to Josh. Waiting for us.

"Can I have 3 dough boys please and 3 sodas said Maddie"

We got are food and drinks and sat down at the bench.

Autumn started talking about joining the team.

"Maybe next week I will probably join the team. "

" Well abby is out for a week and no questions please. "

" Oh ok I hope everything is ok".

Suddenly autumn's mom walked up" come on autie time to go."

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