At Joshs House

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Kendalls POV

Me and Maddie went to Joshs House I decided to bring chloe too.

We walked because his house was only down the street from my house.

We started talking about the girl Jojo what happened to her?
Chloe:I wonder what happened to that girl Jojo.

Maddie:Yea me too.

Me:I hope she's OK.

We finally got to Joshs House I rang the doorbell. Josh answerd the door.

We followed Josh to the living room. He putted on scary movies. And made popcorn.

Chloe:Hey Josh where's paige??

Josh:She's in the basement.

*Chloe went down to the basement *

Chloes POV

Josh told me paige was in the basement so I went to the basement. I knocked on the door.

Me: paige you down here?

Paige:Yea one sec!


Paige:Ok you can come down now.

I went down stairs.

Me:hey paige.

Paige:hey what are you doing here.

Me:well Josh wanted us to come over me Kendall and Maddie. And what took you so long to tell me to come down.

Paige:Well don't tell my mom but I stuck brandon down here....



Paige:Because I like him and I'm mad that he likes brooke and I'm jealous...

Me:it's OK it's only bewtween me and you.

Paige:brandon! You can come out now.

Me:hey brandon.

Brandon:hey chloe.

I really liked brandon but paige likes him so she can have him she's my twinnie I couldn't do that to her.

Me:well I will give you guys your alone time.

Paige:K bye chlobird.

Brandon:bye chloe.

Me:bye guys.

When I went back upstairs I saw Kendall and Josh snuggling! And Maddie was on the couch sleep.

Kendalls POV

I really like Josh and I think he likes me! So I couldn't help it I just had to lean in
for a kiss.

We were kissing for like 6 or 5 minutes he holded my hand and broung me to his room and layed down on his bed still kissing.

Joshs POV

OMG I couldn't believe that me and the famous Kendall vertes were kissing for like 10 minutes!

I really like Kendall and I'm sure she likes me.

We were distracted by  Kendalls phone. It was her mom.

Jill:Honey what time are you gonna be home you have dance in the morning.

Kendall:Um in a few.

Jill:where are you?

Kendall:Mom can't talk right now gotta go bye love you!

She hangs up.

Kendall:sorry my mom wants me to go home Um call me later tomorrow OK?

Me:Sure love you babe.

I give her a kiss on the cheek. And she goes downstairs and gets Maddie and chloe.

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