Telling Maddie

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Kendalls POV

So I couldn't hold the secret that brooke and paige killed Jojo... So I just had to tell Maddie.

Me:Hey Maddie...

Maddie:Hey what's up?

Me:Well I was in the dancers den chloe was in the bathroom. Her phone dinged and I just had to check it.

Maddie: OK....

Me:So it was from paige and it said "The reason why I was acting all weird because me and brooke killed Jojo...."

Maddie: OMG really??!! Who did she send it to?!

Me:She sended it to Chloe.

Maddie: OMG we have to do something!!

Me:Like what?

Maddie:Well I will talk to chloe to see if she know anything about this.

Me:Kk see ya later.


Maddies POV

I couldn't believe that brooke and paige killed Jojo I'm going to talk to chloe to see if she knows anything.

Me:Hey chloe.

Chloe:Hey Maddog.

Me:Um do you anything that happend to Jojo?

Chloe:Uhhh no why would I know hehe.

She says suspiciously.

Me:Well kendall said she heard your email hone ding but you was in the bathroom. And you know Kendall so she just had to read it. She said it was from paige and it said " the reason why I was acting weird because me and brooke killed Jojo..."

Chloe:Ok fine..she did kill Jojo...


Chloe:Because she was jealous of her.

Me: Oh ok see ya later then...

~At Kendalls house~

Kendalls POV

I called Josh to see what was he doing..

Me:Hey joshyboo what are you up to?

Josh:Well I'm bored will you come over my house?

Me:Sure can I bring Maddie cuz she's at my house and we're also bored..

Josh:Ya sure see ya then.

Me:K bye..

*I hang up*

Me:Ok mads looks like where going to Joshs House.


At Joshs House
Maddie rings the door bell.

Josh:Hey guys.

Me+Maddie:Hey Josh.

Me:Um I need to use the restroom excuse me.

I wasn't actually going to the bathroom I was going to the basement because that mainly where people hide body's. I saw that in a movie once..

I walk down to the basement and there's.......

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