Awards And Back At Dance

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Hey guys so here's the awards!!:)

Maddies solo-1st place

The trio with Maddie Kendall and kenzie-2nd
Kendalls POV

I was just sleeping wonderfuly when my mom (jill) just had to wake me up.

Jill:Kendall wake up your gonna be late!!!

It was only 7:00 I had to be at Dance by 8:00.

Me:Mom it's only 7:00.

Jill:Just get up!


I got up and brushed my hair out.

I putted on a pink lace crop top and white booty shorts.

I packed My jazz shoes and my Pointe shoes and my ballet shoes.

I putted on some lip balm and a little concealer.

Jill:Kendall K you ready?!

My mom yelled.

Me:Yea one sec!

I grabbed my phone and headed down stairs. And hopped in the car.

Maddies POV

Yasssssss... I was the first one to arrive. Kendall texted me she said she was on her way.
(Text messages)
M=Maddie aka me

M-Hey you almost here?

K-Ya I'm on my way

And before you knew it she was already here.

Kendall:Hey Maddie hey kenzie.

Maddie+kenzie:Hey Kendall.

My mom got a phone call from Christi chloes mom.

Christi:Hey mellissa can you tell gia that were on are way.

Christi:K thanks bye.


She hangs up.

Me:Is chloe coming?



Gia:Come on girls!

Melissa:Gia chloe and Christi are on their way.


We all walked in to pyramid.

Soon as gia could start chloe walked in she looked perfectly fine but her face looked a little pale but I bet she's fine.

Gia:Ok girls you all know that we got 2nd place in the trio. Which was soupsed to be the group dance..

Gia:Ok let's get to the prymaid.

Bottom row-Chloe, Kenzie.


Top-maddie aka me.

Maddie is on the top because she got 1st place in her solo.

Chloes POV

I was so happy to be at the dance studio. Because I missed all my freinds.

Gia:Ok on with the solos. Maddie you have a solo it's called "Cry" It's a lyrical piece.Chloe you have a solo it's called " Never give up" OK that's all the solos abby have given me.

Gia:The group dance is a lyrical piece Maddie you are going to be in the front. The group dance is called " See you again" It's a tribute to Jojo because as you all know she has been murdered..

I was really happy that I have a solo. When gia was done talking about the solos and the group dance and stuff.. The door opened and it was....


Wonder who it was.... And sorry for the Short chapter I have to think about more stuff. Lol. Hope you like it so far.

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