At Dance And At Home

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Maddies POV

I woke up from my alarm clock and got in the shower.

Kenzie got in the shower after me.

I put on a pink laced crop top and some black booty shorts and packed all my things in my dance bag.

I putted my hair in a tight but and added a sparkly bow.

Kenzie putted on a baby blue belly shirt and some white booty shorts.

I had to help her do her bun because she always had trouble. I putted a white bow that had blue stripes in her hair.

Melissa:Come on girls!

Me+Kenzie:Coming mom!!

We hoped in the car the daily use and drove off to dance.

~At Dance~

Me and kenzie walked in the dancers den and saw brooke and paige.

Me:Hey you guys are here early.

No respond.

I wonder what's up with them maybe chloe will talk to paige.

Chloes POV

I walked in the dancers den and I saw Maddie, brooke, and my twinnie paige.

Paige and brooke look sad and depressed like they did something.

Me:Hey paige what's wrong?
Paige:I will text you about it.

Gia called us in Studio A.

She asked kenzie if she was fine but cause she has cancer and all.

Gia:Hey kenzie how are you feeling?

Kenzie:Good I feel alot more better.

Gia:Ok that's good.

Gia:Girls! Let's rehearse the group dance first. Today is Thursday and Saturday is are competion so you better pay attention.

Kendalls POV

We rehearsed the group dance and then the solos.

Gia:Ok Maddie I'm going to start with you.

Gia starts the music.

Maddie dances perfectly but she falls our of one of her turns. I never seen Maddie like this before I have to ask her what's wrong.

Gia:Ok maddie you have to work on that turn OK?

Maddie nodded.

Gia:Ok chloe your up next. 5,6,7,8.

Gia:Good job chlobird just work on your feet.

Chloe nodded.

Gia:Ok kenzie I called abby and told her what was going on she told me that you can't do the solo because you have cancer and she doesn't want you think damage it.


Gia sent us to the dancers den to get a drink.

Chloe was in the bathroom. So I heard Chloes phone ding and it was a text message from paige.

Paige2Cute:The reason why I was acting so weird because me and brooke killed Jojo....

:O OMG I couldn't believe what I just read!!! Should I tell somebody?!

*Authors note*
:O omg shocker will Kendall tell somebody or keep it a secret?

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