Finding Her

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Kendalls POV

And there it was...

A huge body bag of jojos body..

I was scared to open the bag so I went up stairs to get Maddie.

Me:Ummm Maddie can you come here for a sec?


We both went down to the basement.

Me:there's jojos body.

Maddie: OMG should we do something?!

Me:Like what?

Maddie:We need to tell kelly maybe she can help.

We heard someone open the door. We hid behind some boxes.

Paige:Hmm looks like someone was down here..

Brooke:Should I bring her down?


Brooke drags down chloe.!!
She is duck taped and it looks like she has bruises on her leg...

Paige rips off the duck tape it looked like it hurted.

Chloe:Why are you doing this your my twinnie?!!!

Paige:Because you told Kendall and Maddie!!

Chloe:I'm sorry..

Paige:Well it's now your time.

Paige beats chloe with a bat on her legs 4 times.. I just wanted to get up and stop her but I'm scared what she might do to me.

Then brooke grabs chloes body and put it in a chest and locks it. But she only fainted she's not dead that's a good thing.

Brooke and paige go up stairs.

As soon as their up stairs me and Maddie get up and try to open the chest but we can't.

Maddie:I think we should leave Kendall..

Me:Yea your right.

We both head up stairs.

Me:bye joshyboo I will talk to you later.

Josh:Ok I will text you.

Me: K bye

~At maddies house~
Maddies POV

Kendall:I really feel bad for chloe and Jojo.

Me:I'm going to tell my mom maybe she would know what to do.

I walk to my mom's room.

Me:Hey mom I have to tell you something..

Melissa:What is it sweetie?

Me:Well brooke and paige killed Jojo and locked chloe in a chest..

Melissa:Are you lieing to me?

Me:No I'm not!Kendall is here and she will tell you the same thing.

Melissa:Go get her.

I call kendall to one to my mom's room.

Melissa:Is this true Kendall?

Melissa started crying and gave me and Kendall a hug.

Melissa:i will talk to kelly.

We both nodded.


Wonder what Kellys gonna say?? Will she do something about it or will she say that she was in it to??

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