Aressted And Competition

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Maddies POV

Finally the police arrived at Central Park me and kenndall ran outside.

Police officer:Ummm excuse me young lady's but what are you doing with a body bag?

Paige:Well this is just trash.


Police officer:Well may I check it..

Brooke:No! Um you can't.

I just had to speak up and say what I gotta say.

Me:No their lying I'm the one that called please check it.

Paige+Brooke:She's lying!

That both said it at the same time.

The officer just bent down and checked it and their it was jojos body....

Police officer: paige Hyland and brooke Hyland your under arrest for the murder of Jojo.

Me and Kendall high fived each other. The officer broung them to the car. And asked us questions.

Police officer: OK so did you know jojos mother.

Kendall:Yes her mom is jess she lives on 134 Kenny St.

Police officer:Ok thanks I will go by their bye ladies.


Me:Finally we did it!

Kendall:Wait what about chloe!!

Me: OMG call Josh!!

Kendall calls Josh.


Kendall:Hey joshyboo we need to come over please!!

Josh:Sure babe.

Kendall:Ok I will be there.


*Kendall hangs up *

We need to hurry before something bad happens to her!!

~At Joshs House~
Kendalls POV

Maddie rings the doorbell 3 times.

Josh answers.

We both run to the basement.


She didn't answer.

Maddie picked the lock with a paper clip and unlocked it.

We opened it and there was chloe. I dragged her body out and she was still breathing.



Maddie: OMG are you OK!?

Chloe:N-no I am running out of breath....

Maddie:Kendall call 911!!


I call 911.

Police officer:911 what's your emergency?

Me:We need a ambulance QUICKLY!!!

Police officer:What's the problem?

Me:Hurry!!! 91 central St hurry!!

I hang up.

Maddie:Come on chloe stay alive please!!

Finally the ambulance get here.

Me:Down here!!

They take chloe to the hospital hoping that she will live. Soon or later me and Maddie go home and get rest for competition tomorrow.
Competition Time---------------------------------------------------------
Maddies POV

Finally it was competition time I had to focus. On my solo and the group dance.

I hope in the shower kenzie too.

I pack my makeup, dance wear, and my costumes.

I put on my pink and black ALDC sweater because it was chilly outside.

And I put my hair in a cute bun and add a pink bow.

I helped kenzie get dress. She wanted to wear denim shorts and a purple blouse with her white sweater.

And I did her hair in tight curls. And a purple head band.

We all got on the bus except chloe of course. Kenzie had to be in the group dance because their wasn't enough girls. So abby changed it to a trio.

Abby:Girls I will be having auditions for more girls!!! So watch your back!

Finally we got to the competition and went in the dressing room.

We did are makeup for the solos it was only me doing a solo because chloe wasn't here and kenzie couldn't do hers because of her cancer..

I putted on some purple eye shadow and some black eyeliner and red lipstick.

I putted on my costume it was a two piece sparkly purple costume.

I cracked my knuckles and practiced one of my turns. At the end I have a big turn and I'm very nervous because it's one of the important things in my solo.

Announcer:Act number 34 "My sweet angel"

I go out on my starting position waiting for the music to turn on. Before you knew it I was at the end when I had to do the big turn. I kinda bobbled but I hope the judges didn't notice.

When I got to the green room abby didn't say anything maybe she didn't notice..

Abby:Ok ready girls?

We all nodded.

We waited for the announcer to announce us.

Announcer:Act number 24.

We walked onto the stage in are starting positions.

We did perfectly and we got a standing ovation!! I was so proud of me, Kenzie and Kendall.


Awards in next chapter!! Hope your liking it so far!

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