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Chapter 1 ⚠️

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The sound of moans and skin slapping could be heard as the two boys were having a very steamy night together.

The bottom moaned out as he felt the top hit his prostate with his dick. "Mmfuckkkkk."

"Fuck just like that slut, you sound and feel so good. Such a good slut for me aren't you?" He grunted as he smacked the latter's ass. His moans came out muffled as his face was being squished by the pillow.

"Y... yes omg yes. Only for you. Only for you~"

Minho chuckled. "So needy to cum babyboy? You're eating up my every word just to please me."

"Yes... Please let me cum~"

Minho smirked they had been going at it for quite some time. Almost 2 hours. They did a lot of different positions and used a lot of toys.

Minho loved to experiment every time with his fuck buddies well more like one night stands. Every night it was someone else, another poor soul he found to fuck.

He did so because it brought him sexual pleasure duh🙄. But there was also another reason behind it that he doesn't want to admit yet. Loneliness. Minho was beyond lonely.

"Fine cum you cum slut ~" he smirked and continued thrusting hard removing the item that prevented the guy from coming.

As he did the guy finally let free his now painful but amazing orgasm. Minho pulled out before he came in his hands. Gotta be careful y'know. No commitments.

The guy was panting hard. "Fuck that was the best sex and orgasm I've ever had."

Minho chuckled and got dressed after cleaning his hands.

"The best and the last one, see you never." Minho walked out of the hotel room and went outside the hotel.

He put on his hoodie and plugged in his earphones. He was walking home in the dark. The bustling streets of Gangnam Seoul nearly empty at this hour.

He kept walking and minding his own business just vibing to his favourite artist J.one, when he bumped into someone.

"Ah omg I'm soooo sorry!" The guy spluttered as he held out a hand to help up the fallen down Minho.

Minho looked up and saw a cute squirrel like boy. He had never before seen the boy. He took his hand and got pulled up by him.

Wow he was rather strong for his petite build. He must be hiding some serious guns underneath those sleeves.

"It's okay, I wasn't looking either." He said as he averted his gaze from the other.

The boy smiled at him even though he couldn't see it. "You.. look lonely." He voiced out which made the other snap his head towards him.

"Excuse me?"

"You look lonely." He repeated himself.

Minho felt anger taking over him. He doesn't even know this kid and he has the audacity to tell him that. Was it so obvious he truly was lonely?

Her slut [L.M. x You x H.J]Where stories live. Discover now