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Chapter 11

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To say he was nervous was an understatement. He was a literal train wreck. He had texted them both to meet at his place as he felt more comfortable there.

His home wasn't much but it was something. He spend a lot of time there and he felt safeish in it.

He felt comfortable enough to face this here head on than anywhere else. He was shit when it came to emotions. The door bell rung at he freaked out.

He felt like he couldn't breathe. His throat got closed of. He tried to calm himself down by taking slow and deep breaths.

"C'mon Minho you can do this." He muttered to himself trying to encourage himself. The bell rang again and this time he walked towards it and opened it.

Both were confused as to why they have both been invited at the same time.

Minho opened the door inviting them in. "Please sit down." Jisung had noticed how nervous he was and gave him a reassuring smile. To Minho's surprise it helped him calm down a bit.

They both took off their shoes and made their way to the couch settling themselves on it. He sat down in front of them on the coffee table.

"You guys want anything to drink?"

"Soda for me please."

"Just water is fine." Minho nodded and walked to the kitchen took their drinks. He placed them on the coffee table before sitting behind it.

The table between them served as some sort of support system for Minho.

"So.." he didn't really know how to start.

"Min why are we here? The both of us." Jiae asked and he visible gulped.

"You know how the both of you admitted to liking me?" He began.

Jiae turned visibly mad before turning around to face Jisung. "You? You like him as well? After I told you I liked him since the beginning?"

Jisung shrugged lowly. "I met him before you and was already attracted to him physically. It just took me a while to figure out I actually liked him that way."

"Um well... I like you.." there was a pause as they both looked at him confused. "The both of you.." he stated before looking down.

"What?" Jiae gasped. "How does that even work?"

"Well um apparently it's a thing. It's called polyamorous meaning you like or love multiple people in that way." He said as he didn't dare make eye contact.

"So you want to be with both of us? At the same time? How would that even go?"

"Jiae calm down you're making him more nervous." Jisung stated harshly. In his opinion she was being harsh and attacking the poor boy for his liking.

"Um well yeah if you guys are up for it. I'd like to date the both of you. How it works is different for everyone. I've done some research about it. Some date multiple people but keep their relationships separate."

"So they date one person and do stuff with them but then they also date the other person and do stuff with them. But like they keep the relationships seperate from each other. They know about the other partner and are okay with it."

"There's also people who date multiple people but they also date each other. Like you date two people and those 2 people also date each other. It would be a three-way." He explained.

Jiae scoffed. "This isn't the same as having an actual three-way Minho. I find it absurd what you're suggesting. Just pick someone."


"Shut up Jisung. Stop getting in my way! Polyamorous is looked down upon for a reason. I don't want to participate in that and if he can't choose then I'm out of here!" She raised her voice and looked at the poor male.


"That answers my question. Goodbye Minho and goodbye Jisung." She got up from the couch and left slamming the door.

Minho broke down in tears as he thought he did something wrong. Jisung immediately hugged him tightly stroking his back.

"Shh baby it's okay. You did nothing wrong."

"But what if she hates me now?" He sobbed.

"She won't. I know Jiae. She's upset because she doesn't get her way. She's never liked anyone so the idea of sharing you with someone else scares her. She's actually a very insecure woman. She just needs time to figure things out. She'll come back don't worry."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive though it may take a while. Say how about I take you out hm? To celebrate?"

He looked up at Jisung. "To celebrate what?"

"Us dating of course." He stated smiling down at him. He brought his hands up to cup his cheeks and wipe away his tears.

"You aren't going to run away like Jiae?"

"No, I like you that much I'm willing to try anything for you as long as it makes you feel comfortable. Because I'm actually also into being poly." He confessed to which Minho let out a chuckle. "Really?" Jisung nodded before closing the gap between their lips and kissing him gently full of caring and affection.

The next couple of days at school were hell for Minho. Jisung and him had made their relationship public as Jisung wanted the bullying to stop but it only got worse.

He had left behind that lifestyle and tried to find another job as high school was almost finished and he wanted to go to college along with his boyfriend.

Don't hate me! It's all part of the story.😭

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