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I'm kinda rushing through these chapters because I have no inspiration anymore to write this plot as I personally think it's become boring you know? But I want to finish it for you guys who do think it was interesting. I'm just sorry I couldn't deliver the story as you hoped.

Chapter 10

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Minho had met up with Chan. He wasn't sure what to do anymore and was very confused. Everything was just happening too fast.

He only just had friends and now he has this. He just doesn't know how to feel about it. "What's on your mind Minho?" Chan asked as he placed a soothing hand on his shoulder.

It calmed him down and he was thankful for it. He let out a sigh and rubbed his temples.

"I have two people who like me." He stated as another sigh escaped his lips.

"And how's that a bad thing?"


Chan raised his eyebrow. He was so utterly confused.

"I don't know who I like. I don't know how you even know when you like someone that way!" He stated clearly frustrated.

"Well it's different for everyone. But you always want to be around them. They make your heart beat faster and make your body temperature rise. Some feel butterflies while others don't. But you feel this type of warmth flush over you when you're with them. You just want to make them happy and not disappoint."

He explained while Minho nodded taking notes on this mentally. "Okay."

"So how do you feel around them?"

"I feel like that but for both of them.." he admitted looking down.

"There's nothing wrong with that Minho. There's this thing called polyamorous. It means you love multiple people and date multiple people. Maybe it's something they would both be willing to try for you?"

"That's actually a thing?" Minho asked shocked and eyes big.

Chan chuckled. "Yeah. It really is a thing." He confirmed to which Minho nodded excitedly.

"H-how do I tell them though?"

"You can ask them out, both of them together and take them to the same place a bit secluded from people. Rejection is never fun publicly. Not that's that gonna happen I'm sure of it. Then tell them how you feel and then suggest that you'd wanna try this and see if they'd be up for it. If not then someone else surely will."

He smiled at him and then hugged him tightly. "Thank you Channie hyung!" Chan smiled at Minho's little display of affection and bunny smile.

Short chapter but it's necessary for Minho's decision making. To help clear out his feelings and shit. Cuz he's new to this 😭

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